Musical Notes

Musical Notes

The term is quickly progressing and the music department are looking forward to some great performance opportunities!


Gen Connection Concert

On Sunday 7 April at ‘The Gov’, Stage Band 1 and 2, and Senior Vocal will be performing their repertoire as a prelude to Generations in Jazz held in early Term 2. They will be performing alongside other bands and choirs from St Michaels College, Nazareth College and Christian Brothers College. This is a great opportunity for the students to perform their repertoire to an audience before they head off to the competition a few weeks later. This is a lot of the groups’ first performance for the year and it would be a great if everyone could come along and support them. Please see the attached poster with the details for the event and if you wish to book tickets online, please follow the link here:

Jazz SA Superband

We would like to congratulate Harry Boyd-Turner (Year 8) in being successful in gaining a position on Trumpet 4 in Superband 3. Jazz SA run a Superband annual program where students are required to audition to be a part of the band and then attend a weekly evening rehearsal. This attracts many student musicians from all over Adelaide aged from middle school right up to 21 years of age. This is a huge achievement for Harry and we wish him all the best for the year. I encourage everyone to look out for the termly concerts and go along to support him. The Term 1 concert is on April 4 at Norwood Live at 6:30pm. If you wish to purchase tickets or read further information about the program, follow this link here:


Year 6/7 Choir

A reminder for any boys involved in the Year 6/7 Choir to please return their media consent forms for the Catholic Schools Music Festival ASAP.


Friends of Music

I invite all parents of students involved in the Music Program to be part of the Friends of Music Group. The Friends of Music were extremely positive and active in 2018 in helping with catering and a raffle for our Annual Music Concert.  If you would be happy to offer some time throughout the year with upcoming music events, please contact me at


Upcoming Dates

Sunday 31 March – Prospect Road Autumn Fair – Sound Benders, Big Band Theory, Rockin’ Rhythms and Jazz Combo.

Gen Connection Concert – Sunday 7 April (Stage Band 1 and 2 and Senior Vocal) Generations in Jazz Holiday Rehearsal – Friday 26th April (schedule TBC)


Please check SEQTA for updated information and notices throughout the year.


I look forward to seeing you at some upcoming music events!


Ms Lucy Pope