From the Primary School

The boys enjoyed eating yummy pancakes on Shrove Tuesday

From the Primary School

We have passed the half way mark of the term – can you believe it!


At our most recent Primary Mass we had the SAC badges blessed by Fr Kevin and presented to the boys. The list of our representatives is included below. I must say the boys’ behaviour and general response to the Mass and hymns was excellent. And Br William’s Homily was great, really relevant and easy for the boys to grasp. A great experience all round.


Here are the 2019 SAC Representatives for each class:


Dante Radetti (6N)

Minh-Chuong Tran (5/6 V)

Ashwin Pangly (5WL)

Joseph De Sanctis (4H)

Ronel Roy Paul (3HC)

Alex Semcesen (2A)

Denzel Smyth (1R)

Rocco Asprea (Rec)


Congratulations and best wishes on your important role.


Football season is around the corner and there is some exciting news about Football in the Primary School. The process has started to establish a Football School of Excellence (similar to the Soccer) and will be for selected boys who will partake in the Development Squad under the tutelage of former AFL player and Assistant Deputy Principal - Wellbeing, Mr Brett Knowles and our own Mr Henry Vo, who is playing for our Old Scholars’ team and has an AFL Level One coaching accreditation. More details soon! Auskick for our younger boys will be run on our back oval so look out for details on the Auskick website. We also will have two teams playing this coming season, a Year 3/4/5 Nine-a Side team and a Year 6/7 team as well. As a good friend of mine sang, “…from little things big things grow…”.  Furthermore, we are planning a Positive Reflection Program featuring the Adelaide Crows (apologies to all my Power friends) who will talk about the wellbeing program to our whole Primary School then run a clinic for the Receptions and Year Ones. Plenty of which to look forward. Soccer will continue with all its programs too.


Thanks to all staff and parents who supported our Primary Showcase last Wednesday. I would like to give our boys who gave up their evening to help us a big thank you too. So many of the prospective parents commented on their behaviour, demeanour, knowledge and friendliness. A successful evening that will hopefully increase future enrolments.


With Lent upon us it is important for families to understand this important liturgical time. Lent is not only a time to give up things but also to do positive things for our friends, our families, the school and the wider community. So please encourage your children to think of others during this time.


Enjoy this beautiful weather and pray for rain!


Dates to Remember

March 8 – Primary Swimming Carnival

March 11 – Public Holiday

March 14 – Principals Tour 9:00am and 6:00pm

March 15 – Primary Mass 2:15pm (Yr 5LW preparing) all welcome

March 22 – Primary Assembly (3CH) 2:20pm

March 29 – Primary Assembly (3CH) 2:20pm

April 5 – Primary Sports Day

April 10 – Student/Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations (PT Interviews) 2:00pm – 8:00pm

             Please Note:  Boys dismissed at 1pm

April 12 – End of Term One: Boys dismissed at 3:05pm




Mr Frank Ali