From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Year 12 Farewell & Leadership Handover Assembly

From the Deputy Principal, Secondary

Vale Class of 2019

We have come to the end of another Year 12 academic year. It was not so long ago that our Year 12's were just boys entering Blackfriars for the very first time. Now they leave us as young men charged with great responsibility. Families, teachers, and peers have witnessed their development and as a school we thank our families for their active role in being the first educators of their children. The fruits of your work have reached a new stage of maturation. As we with extra grey hairs know, the journey has only just begun!


As the Class of 2019 depart the secure grounds of 17 Prospect Road, we pray that they may follow in the footsteps of the great men who have come before them and be motivated by their God-given potential to make a positive difference in the world. May they always seek solace in a God who loves them unconditionally and be driven by a selfless love for their neighbour. These are the young men we need in our society, irrespective of what result they achieve in Year 12 or the job they perform in society. First and foremost, they will always be Black’s Boys and with that comes great responsibility to be men grounded in God-given truth, dedicated to prayer, servants to the marginalised, galvanizers of community and broad in their study.


Term 4 Events

There are numerous farewell events and award ceremonies over the course of Advent Term and we invite you to revisit our school calendar for any events that pertain to your son’s year level. This calendar is available on SEQTA.


SACE Exams

SACE exams commence in earnest on Monday 4 November (some languages began last week). You can access the SACE exam timetable (your son has received this) at

All exams will be held in the Fr James O’Doherty Performing Arts Theatre.


We wish our students every success and blessing as they use their SWAT VAC time to study effectively. Study tips for parents and students can be accessed at:


Year 12 Final Weeks and Graduation

Information regarding the requirements for Year 12's final few weeks were detailed in a letter sent to families through SEQTA. The same information can be accessed here:


SACE Results

The target date for the 2019 SACE results release is Tuesday 17 December.  Students will be able to view their SACE results and SATAC Tertiary Entrance Statement (if eligible) in Students Online.  We expect that students will receive official documentation from this date in accordance with local, national and international postal delivery schedules.


Year 12 Semester 2 Report Summary

Report grade summaries generated from SEQTA Continuous Online Reporting will be generated by Monday 11 November for all Year 12's. Please note that these grades are school based and prior to the SACE Moderation process.


Blessings and peace.


Mr David Ruggiero (BPS'92)

Deputy Principal, Secondary (7-12)