Pedagogical Practice

Learning Specialist

I am Sulagna Monga.  I teach Mathematics, Technology and Science-related subjects to Years 7 to 10 and VCE Physics and Systems Engineering to Years 11 and 12.  


Recently I have taken up the role of Learning Specialist – Pedagogical Practice at South Oakleigh Secondary College.


In addition to teaching the allocated subjects, I have the responsibility of designing workshops and training for all staff on Pedagogical Models and Strategies that help them to improve student outcomes in each of our classrooms.  To achieve this, the Leadership team at South Oakleigh Secondary College laid out a plan for all staff, where they would receive training after school and during Curriculum Days on effective teaching and learning strategies which Department of Education terms as High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS ). 

Literacy Initiative

In Term One, we started implementing a Reading Routine.  Students from Years 7 to 10 silently read a novel of their choice every single lesson of the day for 5 minutes.  This means we are dedicating 20 minutes of school time (during Periods 1 to 4) to Reading.  


During Mentor Group sessions every Friday, students fill in a Reading Log and discuss it with a partner.  In doing this, we are constantly focusing on all elements of Literacy, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.  I encourage students to discuss their Reading Logs and what their Mentor Group partners are reading with parents, guardians, siblings and friends when they return home.

Numeracy Initiative

In Week 2, all Mathematics teachers across Years 7 to 10 completed a formative test to better inform them about their students' numeracy skills and knowledge.  In Week 3, teachers have created Differentiated Tiered Tasks for students, to best support them.  We are entering the planning stage of the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) through this process.

Pedagogy and Practice

In Week 2, one of our teachers implemented a number of behaviour management strategies in her classroom.  She changed the layout of her classroom from students sitting in rows to having table groups.

Teachers share with me classroom strategies that are working to engage students better and impact their outcomes positively.  One teacher shared a Resource Booklet that a Year 10 Science Team implemented where they incorporated Aboriginal Perspectives.

Student Voice and Curriculum

On 27 and 28 February, a group of staff members will attend Leading Curriculum and Assessment Professional Development.  After these two days, the team will meet to discuss our next steps in inviting student voice to design our curriculum, so that students will be enabled to

co-construct Success Criteria with their teachers.


I thank everyone for the support I am receiving.  Everyday I experience ‘Joy of Learning’ at SOC.  In my new role I am excited to hear about the ‘Joy of Learning’ in each of our classrooms and share it with all staff.  Please do let me know through email or in person about your learning journey.


I look forward to an excellent year where all students strive to be their best every single day and enjoy the journey of learning at South Oakleigh Secondary College.


Sulagna Monga

Learning Specialist - Pedagogical Practice