Director of Students

Director of Students Middle School

Greetings to staff, students and parents of the South Oakleigh Secondary College Community! 


My name is Damien Landini, and I am the new Director of Students for years 7, 8 and 9.


First, I’d like to thank the Leadership staff for extending me the opportunity to join the team at SOSC.  I am very excited to be part of a diversely talented and highly committed team, working with students and parents, which recognises the importance of high expectations and values teamwork.


I will be working with Heads of House, Mentor Teachers and Student Leaders to support the academic growth and personal development of all students as they make their way through school.  Central to the work I will do, and at the core of my educational values, is motivation to provide all students with the skills necessary to access their potential as lifelong learners, allowing them to actively engage in their educational journey - whether that be encouraging inquiry, fostering creativity or listening to  their personal concerns.  


Further to this, parents, please do not hesitate to contact me; or, if you see me around the school, please introduce yourself.  I am eager to meet as many school community members as possible, and I am very interested to hear your views on education, student development, or perhaps how well Hawthorn will go in 2020!


On a personal note, I live within the greater school community, my wife works at a neighboring school, and my two daughters attend primary school in an adjacent zone, so I am very much committed to this area on both a professional and personal level.


Thank you to all staff and students who have made me feel welcome, and rescued me when I have become lost on the school grounds.


Damien Landini

Director of Students - Middle School