Teaching and Learning

St. Joseph’s online Home Learning Program started on Wednesday and has seen both our teachers and students embrace this change to how we deliver our Teaching and Learning Programs for Term Two.

Please refer to the Home Learning Program-Guiding Principles for a detailed explanation of:

How the program has been structured (Student LM meetings and Timetable)

Roles and Responsibilities for Parents/Carers, Students and Teachers

How we can work together to make this successful for your child

Contacts advice links 

Quick Tips for success.

How Teaching and Learning will be provided to you child

Each class has a Running Record, located in the Class Notices section on the SIMON Learning Areas. This Running Record will contain a lesson-by-lesson explanation of the Learning Intentions, Success Criteria and the Learning Tasks for each lesson. Students are to use this document to identify what they will be learning for the lesson. You will notice there are links to slides, videos and activities etc, that students will be using to complete the lesson. 


Many teachers have also set up a Google Classroom for their classes. This provides teachers and students with a space to communicate ideas, questions and address any issue students are having. This means students are able to interact and help each other by commenting on posts but also allows teachers to provide the same information to all students, especially if someone has asked a question.  


Google Classrooms also contain a Google Meets function that teachers will be using. This is a video conferencing type of application that allows the teachers to set up a virtual meeting with their students which enables teachers and students  to interact with each other face-to-face. Students have access to the link for these Meets on their Google Classroom page. 


How attendance will be marked

Initially, teachers will be marking attendance on SIMON based on the participation of students in lessons, whether that be engagement in video conferencing through Google Meets, Google Classroom, emails, Google Doc/Slides or other work completed during the lesson. Learning Mentor Attendance will not be taken. 


Please communicate with the Front Office or via PAM if your child is unable to ‘attend’ remote learning (eg. due to sickness) so this can be recorded in the rolls of your child’s teachers.


Parents can support their children in learning by providing an environment that is conducive to learning, helping to support and monitor their child’s learning, and contacting us if they have any concerns.

Please see below attachment for a copy of the Home Learning Program

Lisa Saillard

Leadership Team: Teaching and Learning