Student Wellbeing

Take a break!

The school has been a hive of activity of late. We have been busy practising hard for our sports day, working on debating speeches and concert items. It is great to see how good preparation gets good results; so many students excelled their expectations on athletics day and in their debates – well done! Now we can look forward to a great concert also…

Not many achieve good results on a first try – persistent practice is key to getting better at something, whether it be a song, speech or a sporting activity. Good preparation is important in our garden also; presently we are clearing and preparing the soil for our next planting.


With school holidays only days away, it is good to remember the importance of taking a break. Everyone has worked hard and we have seen some wonderful results; in our debates, on the sporting field, concert hall and classrooms. Now it is time for a well-earned rest! 



