Student Awards

Student of the Week - 06/09/2019

Prep H - Brayth - Amazing development in your reading and writing skills.

Prep/1S - Jason - For wonderful work in Maths this week. I was amazed at the different ways you made $1. Well done! 

1/2C - Billie - For putting in your best efforts in all of your learning tasks.

2/3R - Grace - For always being a thoughtful, caring friend and an amazing helper. 

3/4S - Tyson - For making a really settled start here at Numurkah Primary School. 

3/4W - Cadence - For focused learning when undertaking online tests. You are showing pleasing improvements.

4/5J - Skye - For a mature approach to the debating program. Well done Skye! 

5/6H - Blake - For working cooperatively with your partner to design and make a French Board Game. You demonstrated excellent communication and getting along skills while creating a French Snakes and Ladders. 

5/6S - Lily - For showing great organisation as you efficiently managed your class workload and debating commitments. You also worked cooperatively with others, listening to their ideas and sharing your thoughts.   

Science - Bella - For always being a positive and productive student in Science. 

Values - Mackenzie - For taking pride in our school grounds and picking up rubbish without being asked. 

Reading Award - 06/09/2019

Prep H - Jake

Prep/1 S - Kyenan

1/2C - Larna

2/3R - Asha

3/4S - Chase

3/4W - Riley C.

4/5J - Brock

5/6H - Arthur 

5/6S - Jake

Student of the Week - 13/09/2019

Prep H - Casey - Participating in the sports day enthusiastically. Working independently on words, sounds and sentences.

Prep/1S - Robbie - For a wonderful week this week. Your work has been fantastic all week. Keep it up!  

1/2C - Zavier - Being a great sport during athletics and encouraging your friends.  

2/3R - Aleigha - For always being willing to help the preps with their learning tasks. 

3/4S - Charles - For participating so well in the Life Education Bus.

3/4W - Riley B. - Working with your partner so well to revise and edit your writing.

4/5J - Kiera - For working well during learning tasks this week. 

5/6H - Arthur - For demonstrating excellent athletic skills at each of the events you participated in at the School House Sports. You were a highly motivated participant in all events and upheld all of our school values. Well done! 

5/6S - Patrick - For showing great skills and persistence during the NPS 2019 Athletics House Sports Day. you also managed yourself effectively throughout the day.  

Science - Tamika - For outstanding work on her brain model in Science this week.

Art - Chase 5/6H - For an excellent Combi Van picture in Art. 

Music - Kyenan - For consistently putting in an excellent effort during Music in preparation for the school concert.

Values - Poppy - For always being a positive member of our School Community and for always demonstrating the core school values.  

Reading Award - 13/09/2019

Prep H - Mia

Prep/1 S - Myllah

1/2C - Billie

2/3R - Urijah

3/4S - Taesharn

3/4W - Cadence

4/5J - Ella

5/6H - Chase

5/6S - Lily