From the Principal's desk

Sending out an S.O.S

Tonight we see the culmination of our Music and Drama program with the school's concert performance at the Town Hall of 'Sending out an SOS.' We thank all our staff and families for supporting the children in this and hope that everyone comes along tonight.  A special thanks to Ms Davis for all her hard work in producing and directing the show. 

As previously stated in the last newsletter we were very proud of our latest NAPLAN data particulary in Year 3 and the huge improvement in our Year 5 Writing. I have provided below some snap shots of this data. Early next year we release a more detailed School Report to the community.


Our Early Start Transition program will start in Term 4 Week 2 every Friday. A letter with further details will be sent to all enrolled 2020 Prep students in the first week back at school.


I wish all our families a safe and relaxing break. Hopefully there may be some grand final celebrations for some footy fans. Collingwood? Richmond? Geelong? I know who I hope will win, as will be evident in the footy colours I wear tomorrow.


Debbie Oliver
