Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett

The Foundation students have been getting really stuck in to their learning the past 2 weeks. They have been learning about adding numbers together by creating an acorn tens frame addition craft and also learning a new addition game called "Get Out of My House". 

In literacy the students have learnt about the letter/sound 'G' and 'L'. They have been making lots of connections for these letters, learning the cued articulation sign and meeting the new friend who is off to 'Milo's Birthday'. 

Also in Foundation the students have been learning about manipulating objects using 'push/pull' they got to practice their knowledge by making their own gooey slime!! 

In the past two weeks both Heidi and Tom have been the 'Foundation Super-Hero Learner of the week'. They got to wear the super-hero cape all day! Tom received the cape for working super hard on his sounds and practicing blending during our daily review. Heidi was the winner of the cape because she has been 'ON-FIRE' during Heggerty. Well done guys!!

Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes

In Grade 1/2 Hayes we have been loving exploring our Science unit. We have investigated different materials and looked at whether they could bend, stretch or twist. Last Friday we conducted an experiment to explore which snake could stretch the furthest. Earlier this week we attempted to create a stretchy slime to explore whether different elements such as heat/ice can affect it. However we found this slime recipe was unsuccessful. We are attempting a new recipe in the next few lessons.  


During our text based unit we have been busy writing descriptions to describe the main characters Penny or Grandpa. Some students have described that: 


- Penny lived in a small apartment. 

- She liked to make things with her hands. 

- Penny lived in a miniscule apartment. 

- Grandpa lived in an enormous house. 

- Grandpa liked to collect lots of things. 

- Grandpa has bushy eyebrows. 

 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

In Writing this Term, 1/2 Hart has spent time learning about adjectives and their purpose in our writing. Whilst studying the picture-story book ‘The Imagineer’, students have begun to piece together sentences that describe the main character in the story, ‘Penny’. 


Here is a little bit about the story:

Penny has a massive imagination. She loves to draw up plans, gather her tools and turn sketches and scribbles into new creations. One day, she visits her grandpa’s house and is amazed at his gadgets and gizmos. He has a telephone hanging on his wall, an organ with bellows to pump and a contraption with a handle to churn homemade butter.


Then Penny discovers grandpa’s garage …


Christopher Cheng’s The Imagineer is a beautiful story about an inquisitive little girl whose imagination is sparked by the things around her. It also highlights the value in spending time with a grandparent and learning from their lived experience.


Take a look at some of the amazing sentences we have been drafting over the last week:


‘Penny lived in a miniscule apartment.’

‘Penny created with her hands and imagined with her mind.’

‘Penny has blackshiny hair.’

‘Penny’s Grandpa lived in a ginormous house.’

‘Penny is a persistent inventor.’

‘Penny has a magnificent mind.’


Grade 3-4

This week in our Resilience Project Lessons we have had a focus on kindness to others.

After discussions on what kindness looks like and feels like students were given a cup which represented a bucket. After decorating their bucket (cup) students were then asked to write positive and kind messages to their class friends and place their messages in the buckets. Students could write anonymously or place their name at the bottom of their message.

At the end of the session the students took their own buckets and spent some time reading the messages of kindness that had been written to them-


Below are some statements on how the students felt as they were reading their messages:


Riley-  I felt grateful for all my friends.


Kane- When I read the sentences I felt joyful because of the words they had written.


Toby- I felt happy because someone wrote I have the best laugh ever.


Lil- I felt loved when I read my statements.


James- I felt kindness because a lot opf people gave me statements.

Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

WOW! What a busy fortnight we’ve had in the Senior classroom! We have so many hands-on learning experiences and have really enjoyed getting out amongst our community.


The Catholic Identity and PBIS Leaders attended the Tongala Community Activities Centre to assist them in hosting their “World’s Largest Morning Tea” fundraiser. Students served cups of tea, cleared plates, organised the raffle tickets, washed dishes and helped tidy up. It was wonderful to see the students interacting with community members and taking great pride and enjoyment in their involvement in the day. They also enjoyed sampling the morning tea as they chatted to people around them.

We also got out and about when some of the students attended the EDNA Netball Tournament. Our mixed team had an amazing day – winning 5 games and losing 2 in nailbiters. We were lucky enough to bring Hannah and Mia as reporters for the day and they interviewed the players at the end of the day, here is what they had to say about what their favourite part of the day was…

“Everyone having a go and being a good sport” – Georgia

“The competition with other people and schools” – Lachlan

“Having lots of fun” – Caleb

“Shooting goals and having fun with my teammates” – Deklen

To mark the start of Reconciliation Week, current and prospective FIRE Carries attended the Campaspe Shire Council and Njernda Aboriginal Corporation’s celebration in Echuca. The students experienced a smoking ceremony and participated in a community walk. Our current and prospective FIRE Carriers will work with Louise Levy from Catholic Education Sandhurst later in the term.