Learning & Teaching

Leader: Stephanie Hayes

Students in Foundation to Grade 2 participate in daily Heggerty lessons. The Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum provides everything you need to teach daily phonemic awareness lessons in 12 minutes or less. Each level of the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum provides up to 35 weeks of daily lessons, focusing on eight phonemic awareness skills, along with two additional activities to develop letter and sound recognition, and language awareness. Lessons are designed for a classroom setting, and only take 8-12 minutes each day. Lessons provide daily opportunities to develop phoneme awareness and proficiency through:


Phoneme Isolation

Blending syllables and phonemes

Segmenting syllables and phonemes

Adding syllables and phonemes

Deleting syllables and phonemes

Substituting syllables and phonemes



In the videos we have the Foundation and Grade 1- teachers modelling with their class the different skills. 



Miss Hart is completing the ‘Rhyme’ section with her class. Please see link below:




Miss Hayes is completing the ‘Segmenting syllables and phonemes’ with her class. Please see link below: 




Miss Bennett is completing the ‘Adding syllables and phonemes’, ‘Deleting syllables and phonemes’, ‘Substituting syllables and phonemes’ as well as an additional activity which is reciting the nursery rhyme ‘Hickory Dickory Dock;. Please see the link below: 
