Message From Our Principal

Mrs Jackie Stockdale

On Wednesday our teachers were involved in a Professional Development day which focused on different elements of Catholic Identity. This included the following 3 topics:

-Laudato Si’


-Applying Learning in RE Planning

The Learning Support Staff spent the day focusing on the following two areas:

-Reflecting On Our Current Intervention Practice (Ufli)

-Executive Functions & Literacy Instruction


Teachers are continuing to gather evidence to put into reports and students have worked with their teacher to establish Term 2 learning goals. 

These goals have been released to families via PAM or SIMON Everywhere.

As we move into the cooler months I wanted to remind all families that you can purchase school beanies from the office for $10. We also have a limited amount of stock of school pants for sale from the office. Please see Emma at the office between 8:30-9:30am or 2:30-3:30pm if you wish to make a purchase. Also the winter skirt is available online at : (please ensure code for skirt is SK516I – 9057)





If for any reason you are finding it difficult to pay school fees on time or your financial circumstances have changed please contact the school. Catholic Schools rely on school fees to help fund the educational needs of our students. A quality education can only be realised when the right resourcing and programs are in place and these come at a cost. 



This is a timely reminder for any of our families who have a child coming into Foundation in 2024 to complete an enrolment form. If you email me I can send you an enrolment form-



Last Friday Nat and Carli went to Melbourne to visit Francey, Pat and Angie. They took a special box of treats for Angie.

Francey sent the following message:


Good morning Jackie  and Steph,

Thank you for organising the Angelina surprise box with Angies friends , and St Pats mums. The joy she had in going through it was fantastic to watch, hopefully the video comes through, you are welcome to share it with her class mates. I am on a new chemotherapy and have chemo today. The beautiful gifts from KCL and Tonny Comm will be treasured, they brought tears to my eyes to see Nat and Carli. The thought behind gifts will are treasured.

God Bless 

Francey, Angie & Pat 



This is also a friendly reminder to ensure your contact details (email address, phone number and address) at the school office are current and up to date. 





This is an exciting upcoming event for our Grade 5-6 students:

Parents who are planning on attending need to book a ticket on line.