Library News

Keep up-to-date with everything happening in the Library 

National Simultaneous Storytime

Over the last week, students in K - Year 6 took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime. This event takes place each year and students from all over Australia read together a selected book then participate in related activities. Over 2 million students took part this year reading the book, The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young & Heath Mackenzie. The story is all about perseverance and mindset. A K-2 colouring competition was held during lunch time to win one of our 3 display sloths. Prizes were awarded to Joelle C from KKW, Lily P from 1H and Jeremiah M from 2T. But just like the speedy sloth in the story all the competitors are winners and everyone who entered will receive a small gift.


Starbooks Cafe

Last week, Year 3 - 6 classes were invited along to the Starbooks Cafe last week for another Book Tasting of the many new books ready to hit the library shelves. Students were asked how they would select a book to read for pleasure and the majority responded that they would choose a book by the cover and the title. So for this activity, the books were placed inside take away bags and only the genre and blurb was revealed. After selecting a bag, the students could then open it and begin reading a few chapters of the book then fill in their Reading menu. Once again the books were in high demand to borrow and we could see our students eager to read for pleasure which is our ultimate goal.

Book Club

This term we commenced the Stage 3 Book club, where students who love to read can take home a selected book and then meet up once a fortnight to share their ideas and thoughts on the book. Enthusiastic students meet together in the library at recess and are greeted with a hot chocolate beverage and time to chat about the book which is always a winner!