College Council

Introducing new member Mark Murray
In March 2023 I recently joined and am proud to participate in the school council activities as a parent representative member.
A background snippet about me, I am originally from the UK and moved to Australia in 2010. Following a couple of years living in the city, eventually seeing the light, we moved to Bayside, the absolute greatest area of Melbourne ... IMO. I have three bairns (as we say in Scotland) with our eldest joining the MGSC Year 11 cohort earlier this year. I am a broken bodied ex rugby playing enthusiast and guilty pleasures include consuming chocolate, oenology and playing golf (badly).
As a parent who is new to MGSC this year it is so encouraging to see the thirst and respect for learning that I have observed across the student community. The school council has made me very welcome, and it is comforting to observe the passion and dedication that both the teaching and support team bring to the MGSC community.
At the recent May 2023 meeting we heard about the range of initiatives that were led by Detta Gordon and the wider team and participating students in relation to attracting new students into year 7 for 2024. Activities and events included ‘a day in the life program’, primary school visits, an open night and multiple school tours. The application closing date has concluded and we look forward to hearing the outcomes of these important initiatives.
NAPLAN activities have been conducted by Hayley Dureau, Tim Veevers, Jonathan Hall, Cindy Jackman and Fiona Faulkes and the results will be released later this year.
The School House Competition was a roaring success and the biggest winner of the Athletics Carnival appeared to be the ducks, however a very well done to Hannah Barton for her outstanding organisation of the impossible!!
The Symphonic Band played at the Kingston Arts Centre earlier in the year and it was great to hear the MGSC participants cleaned up at the aerobics and dance competitions with 35 of the 37 entries qualifying for the state finals, well done and thank you to Tess Molina and the team.
The Annual Report has been approved by DET and MGSC compares very favourably to similar schools and the wider State results.
Finally, we also heard about the upcoming overseas trip where Carol Duggan is leading the charge on the potential future recruitment of overseas students. We wish her well and have every confidence that she will showcase MGSC as a shining educational option for the international student community.
I look forward to both participating in, and providing stewardship across the varied and exciting MGSC initiatives during the rest of this year.
With best regards
Mark Murray
School Council member