Middle School news
Year 9 Enhancement
This semester, the Year 9 Enhancement cohort welcomed a theatre group to perform an adaptation on Shakespeare’s play, Taming of the Shrew. They were presented with a number of scenes that explored the themes in the play to gain a deeper understanding of the characters and storyline. The experience will be remembered for a long time especially for the interesting interpretation of the play from another perspective.
Thank you to Ms Kourakis for organising this wonderful workshop, and to Ms Sleep and Mr Reeves for attending with the students.
Year 10 Science
Semester 1 overview
Year 10 semester one Science has been a fantastic experience, with various topics being introduced and reinforced in our learning. It has been a great experience, filled with interesting theory, exciting experiments and all around positive experience! Some of the various topics we covered included evolution and the evidence that supports it, chemical reactions and chemical equations, and environmental systems, with a specific focus on the greenhouse effect and the impact it has on the Earth and bioplastics, with a focus on the idea of sustainability!
Middle School student leaders