Principal's Report 

Dear St Augustine's families and friends,


What an amazing day we had in our school last Friday! I would just like to say a big thank you to all the mums/aunties/grandmothers/nans etc. who came and celebrated Mother's Day with us!  As you all are aware, we held 3 different functions including a breakfast and two high teas!  It was the most incredible production behind the scenes and there were many helpers who came to assist with these events! Thank you to everyone who was a part of the event and made this occasion so special for all.   We highlighted the significant role of Mothers and we recognise every person in the role of caring whether it be mum, grandparents, dads or special people and all they do for the children in their care.  Event like these really highlight the importance of community and the benefits to all of us to be surrounded by a positive village ensuring each person knows they belong and that their strengths and individuality are valued and nurtured.


I hope all mums got a lovely gift from the Mother's Day stall on Sunday!  The students really picked their selections with great thought!  Another team of helpers ran the stall and once again we are very grateful of their help!  I hope that you all had the most fabulous day with your families and felt very loved.  Mothers and carers can have such a positive and significant influence on the life of a precious child. Mothers are continuously giving, loving, sacrificing and providing much needed helping, nurturing hands to their loved ones - well done on the significant role that you play!


This week is Education Week. The theme Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity, hands on learning and student voice.

 Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners. Our school is proud to encourage active learners and student voice through so many different areas. 


Just a reminder that all students must be in full St Augustine’s uniform every day. This includes shoes, socks, hair ties etc.  Uniforms are a great way to celebrate and belong in our school and it is most important that the uniform code is worn every day in the correct way.  Please remember to pack your child's jacket/jumper for the cold mornings.  


Enrolments are open for 2024. Please promote our wonderful school to anyone in our community.  We are delighted that we have had many enrolments already occur and really look forward to welcoming new families into our thriving community! Our visits to the local kinders are beginning next week


Thanks to all the families that have supported the revamp of $2 Tuesdays!  A team of Grade 6 girls have been working very hard to get this up and running.  Please just send $2 coins if your child would like an item form the $2 trolley.  The funds raised form $ Tuesdays will go towards the repair of the senior playground - this was the purpose of the revamp by the Grade 6 students! 


Last we welcomed some new animals to our school!!  2 goats - Finally the GOAT PROJECT that last year’s Grade 6 students worked hard on has come to fruition!   This was a long process in the making.  A lovely new Goat carrel has been built which is another amazing addition to our outdoor gardening program.  We are so lucky to have this space!


Have a great weekend.

Shoot some hoops, kick come goals, go for a walk - enjoy your family time.

God Bless


Carrie Rodda
