
Term two Activities has seen the boarders participating in a wide range of activities including  Dodgeball/ Belly Flop Baseball in the College Hall, Free time on the outside courts and oval, Downtown shopping and Mother’s Day card designing. We have also enjoyed our pizza night while watching the Thursday night footy.


During the term so far the Boarders have participated in the Boarders' Mass and the MEBS Trivia Night and a whole boarding house dinner in the College Hall followed  by games and excellent trivia competition.


Trivia Night Answer: How many doors are in the MEBS Dining room?

The answer hinges (pun intended) on the number of hung doors leading from or to the ding room:  There are 11 doors including the wire screen doors on existing doors, the double doors to the garden, and the fire escape door at the top of the stairs in the dining room.



Jody Siegwalt | Activities Coordinator