Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

Interschool Sport

Congratulations to all Year 6 students for competing in the Sutherland Shire Interschool Sport Soccer competition. Both Level 1 boys and girls teams placed second overall in their division! It was wonderful to see sportsmanship and fun on display over the three sessions.  

Cross Country

30 fit and fast Fatima students travelled to Sydney Motorsport Park to compete in the Primary Cross Country Championships. 


We had a lot of success with Chelsea G, Oscar A, Lexi D and Archie C placing second and Alana G placing third. Finally K, Rory P, Felicity B and Veronica R will also progress based on their overall times from all competitors. What a great achievement and we wish you the best of luck at the MacKillop Championships.


Touch Football

Felicity B was a part of the MacKillop Touch Football Team that competed at the NSW PSSA Touch Football Tournament recently. Her team was undefeated during the competition and was crowned overall champions. We are very proud of you Felicity!






Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator