School Events

Parent Calendar  - stay up to date

Parent Calendar


Never miss a thing! Scheduled school events can be found here. 

This calendar at the bottom of your screen is also available to view on your Compass app and the school website


JUNE 2023

1Year 6 - Confirmation Information Evening
2Kindergarten Excursion - Symbio

School Photo Make-up Day 

Year 1Gold - SPaR with students and parents


Year 1White - SPaR with students and parents

2nd Hand Uniform Shop Open 


Year 3 - Grade Parish Mass

Friday Fatima Friends - Pre-schoolers

Parent Representative Meeting 

12King's Birthday Public Holiday
13Staff Professional Learning Day - Pupil Free Day
16Year 6 - Confirmation Retreat Day
18Confirmation Masses
222nd Hand Uniform Shop Open

Year 3 Excursion - Royal Botanical Gardens

Friday Fatima Friends - Pre-schoolers