News from 

our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay

Dear Parents and Carers,


I am delighted to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations and gratitude to our entire school community on the successful completion of the recent Strategic Inquiry and Review process that we undertook last week with SCS. This remarkable achievement reflects the commitment and dedication of each and every member of our community, including students, staff, parents, and the wider community.


The Strategic Inquiry and Review process involved rigorous analysis of our practices, collaborative discussions, and deep engagement with stakeholders. They were able to assess our school's strengths, identify areas for growth, and develop a roadmap to guide us toward continuous improvement. 


Through this process, we have reaffirmed our commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive learning environment, where every child feels valued, empowered, and supported in their academic, physical, spiritual, social, and emotional growth. 


I extend my appreciation to the Leadership team and staff of OLF as well as the members of the SCS Strategic Inquiry and Review team for their efforts in actively participating and leading this comprehensive evaluation process. Their expertise, dedication, and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in formulating actionable recommendations that will shape our school's future.


Furthermore, I would also like to express my gratitude to our students, whose enthusiasm and passion for learning inspired us throughout this process. Their invaluable feedback and perspectives have helped us gain a deeper understanding of their needs, aspirations, and areas of interest.


Last but certainly not least, I want to recognise and thank you all for your support and active involvement in our school community. Your partnership and ongoing collaboration have been vital in creating a nurturing and enriching environment for our students. Together, we will continue to work hand in hand to provide the best possible educational experiences for our children.


Let us also embrace the opportunities it presents for growth, innovation, and transformative change. 


Please enjoy a snapshot of what learning looks like at Our Lady of Fatima in the short movie linked below. This video was prepared for last year’s Inquiry and Review and has been added to throughout this year.

Parent Representative  Meeting 

Our next Parent Rep meeting will be held on Friday 9th June at 2:15pm in the library.  All

  are welcome. Please come along and contribute to the life of the school and fundraising events. 


Mrs Sue Clay | Principal