
Being at school matters, everyday counts!

Mid term 2 attendance data shows that Niangala Public School is still sitting in the Good (80% - 89%) to Excellent (95% - 100%) range for the majority of our children.                           The biggest impact to our numbers is due to colds / flu during this time of the year.  If your child is unwell we appreciate you keeping them at home.

Attendance at school is important and students should be attending everyday if they are well and able.  




Individual roles to support attendance

I'm a student

Regular attendance at school helps you to maximise your potential.

You can help by

  • knowing what class activities are on which school day (for example, which day is sport or library) or having a copy of your timetable
  • making sure you're ready for each school day: uniform, books, bag, lunch
  • chatting with family, a friend or teacher if you have concerns about attending school, or something is making it difficult to get to school
  • asking a teacher for help if school work is challenging.

Read about Starting school and the get ready for high school checklist to help with school readiness.

I'm a parent/carer

When your child attends school every day, learning becomes easier and your child will build and maintain friendships with other children.

Parents and carers can help foster positive attendance habits by:

  • helping their child learn the importance of punctuality and routine
  • ensuring their child arrives on time from the start of the school day, ready to participate in learning
  • reducing disruption to learning where possible, by planning any necessary appointments outside of school time
  • promptly communicating any absence to the school (within 7 days of the first day of any absence)
  • working with the school to encourage and support regular attendance.

Information for parents provides further information about compulsory school attendance.

Advice to parents and carers has further information about learning from home.

Read about Starting school and the get ready for high school checklist to help with school readiness.