Relieving Principal Report

Mrs Hannah Crawford

We have had another jam packed fortnight here at school. Never a dull moment!! The students have been hard at work and kicking goals from every direction!  You should all be very proud of your children and their efforts at school so far this term, the staff certainly are!


You may notice in the newsletter this week that we have an inclusion of Aussie of Month in our celebrations and achievements. The Aussie of the Month is a free primary school civics recognition program, delivered by the same network that presents the prestigious Australian of the Year Awards.


Aussie of the Month recognises and celebrates personal endeavour, achievement,  and contribution to the community and reflects the universal values we share as Australians, such as fair go, mateship, respect and inclusion. 

Each month all staff members nominate a student they have noticed has demonstrated that months' focus value, then the results are collated and our Aussie of Month is decided and presented with their certificate, a stationery gift and a lapel badge. 


This month the value in the spotlight was Fair Go: same opportunity for all people and having a go and it was with much pleasure that I was able to present the first Aussie of the Month Award for Fair Go to Sophie Ranger. Congratulations Sophie - very well deserved.


For the Month of June the focus value will be Mateship: Generosity of spirit and compassion for those in need.


We look forward to more fun and learning ahead. 


Mrs Hannah Crawford

Relieving Principal