The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, families and friends,

We have completed Week 6 of Term 2. This is the shortest term of the year at 9 weeks. There is quite a bit for me to write about, so grab a coffee or something stronger, get comfortable and settle in for a good read!!


Emerging Leaders Program and World Youth Day

In the last newsletter I spoke briefly about the team of 5 teachers we are sending to World Youth Day 2023, Mrs Michele Witchell, Miss Natalie Librizzi, Miss Marissa Balbuziente, Miss Jess Brennan and Miss Isabelle Maher. These teachers were nominated by myself and then went through a selection process before being chosen to represent St. Augustine's and also Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools at World Youth Day 2023. The program they are taking part in before heading to Lisbon is the Emerging Leaders Program. They will spend time in Rome and Assisi, where they will be joined by Archbishop Peter Comensoli, reflecting on their role as Catholic educators and developing their leadership skills. We are very lucky to have had 5 teachers selected to attend, most schools are sending two or three. The entire program is fully funded by MACS, with St. Augustine's covering the replacement teacher costs for the time they are away.


National Sorry Day & National Reconciliation Week

This week is National Reconciliation Week. Reconciliation Week started on the 27th of May and runs until the 3rd of June. These dates are significant with the 27th of May being the anniversary of the 1967 referendum and the 3rd of June being acknowledged as Mabo Day. Here at St. Augustine's we are sorry for the Stolen Generation and all the wrongs that were done to the Aboriginal People, the tradional owners of this land. The Aboriginal Flag has been flying this week to commemorate this important time. We now have all 3 Australian Flags (National Flag, Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islands Flag) to fly on the outside flag pole. These Flags will be changed daily by our wonderful School Captains.



Ginar Dance & Cultural Group Performance

On Monday we were very lucky to have Helen and Sonya from the Torres Strait Islands visit us. Helen and Sonya shared their culture with us. They taught us two traditional dances and songs and introduced us to some basic words. They also shared some information about the Torres Strait Islands.


Birmingham Street Park

The Birmingham Street Park is now complete and open for use. It is a beuatiful space both during the day and then lit up at night. Over the last two weeks it is growing in use both before and after school. I know that afternoons are particularly popular with parents, students, younger siblings and dogs have a space to sit, stand, play, run, jump and lay on the grass. Parents, I suggest bringing a cup of coffee while you sit and wait for the kids to finish playing!!


Casual Clothes Day Fundraiser

The School and Class Captains, inspired by an idea from Alessio in 3/4 M have organised a casual clothes day to raise money to support Jakub in 5/6 who had his bike stolen from school a couple of weeks ago. All students are invited to dress in Yellow and Grey, the colours of Jakub's Bike. The Casual Clothes Day is on Thursday 8th June.



School Closure - Friday 9th June

A reminder that next Friday is a school closure day to allow staff to complete their annual First Aid Training and CPR update. School is also closed on Monday 12th June for the Monarch's Birthday (Long Live the King).


Semester 1 Reports & Learning Conversations

Semester 1 reports will be published on Friday 9th June. I have been proof reading the reports and I must say that I am impressed with the growth the students have made over this semester. Learning Conversations will be held on Tuesday 13th June from 1pm to 7pm and Wednesday 14th June from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. This will provide the opportunity to discuss the Semester 1 reports, reviewing the progress made during Semester 1 and then setting goals for Semester 2.


School Uniform - Lost Property

A reminder to label clearly all uniform items so that any items left outside or in the hall can be returned to your children. This is especially important with items purchased from the Secondhand Uniform Shop. It is very difficult to work out who the item belongs to when it has the name of an ex student still on the label.


Possum Box

There is a Possum Box in the junior yard. It is located in the tree closest to the gate near the church. The possum box was donated and installed by the Maribyrnong council as part of of program providing habitat boxes for native wildlife.


Senior Adventure Playground Working  Bee

A big thank you to Dixie, Anthony, Clare and Damien who donated their time to spread 12 cubic meters of softfall mulch around the senior adventure playground. Not an easy job that took about 5 hours in total to complete.


Please read each page of the newsletter as each one contains important or interesting information and updates.


Coming up over the next two weeks we have:

  • Monday 5th June - Year 5/6 Immigration Museum Excursion
  • Tuesday 6th June - Sacrament of First Reconciliation
  • Thursday 8th June - Casual Clothes Day - Yellow and Grey
  • Friday 9th June - School Closure - First Aid Training for staff
  • Monday 12th June - Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday
  • Friday 16th June - 9am Whole School Mass - Feast of the Sacred Heart
  • Wednesday 21st June - Premier of Year 5/6 Documentary Film 'Through Our Lens' - A very touching and personal account of the Westgate Bridge Disaster

Don't forget, there are some great movies being released over the next few weeks:

Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse - Now Showing

The Flash (really a Batman movie) - 15th June

Elemental - 15th June

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts - 22nd June

Cats in the Museum - 22nd June

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - 28th June


Until the next edition, stay positive, stay warm and stay safe.


Kind regards,


Matthew Stead