Mental Health

Maintaining mental health during this time may be a challenge given precautions against coronavirus are changing so many aspects of our lives. Encourage children and young people to manage their stress levels by using positive self-talk, exercise, healthy eating, connection with their friends, and finding ways to enjoy themselves.
Ph:1800 650 890
Kids Helpline
Ph: 1800 55 1800
Orygen Digital
Ph:1800 888 320 or online at Moderated Online Social Therapy platform
ReachOut - Online at
SANE Australia
Ph:1800 187 263
Mental Health Information for Adults
Information on managing your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in languages other than English.
Beyond Blue: General advice for adults looking after their own mental health including how to support children and young people during the coronavirus outbreak.
Smiling Mind
Giving your brain a break when nearing your tipping point can be really helpful to deactivate an acute stress response (‘fight or flight’).
The simplest thing is to just breathe.
Slowing down your breathing rate can reduce the uncomfortable physical sensations related to fear and anxiety.
Try the following breathing techniques:
- Stop what you’re doing, take three long, slow and deep breaths. Impose a rhythm on your breathing so that your exhale becomes longer than your inhale.
- Try a 4-2-6 rhythm – i.e. breathe in deeply over 4 counts, hold your breath for 2 counts, and breathe out over 6 counts.
- If the 4-2-6 rhythm doesn’t feel comfortable, try using a 3-1-4 rhythm. The main thing is that your exhale is slightly longer than your inhale.
For further tips visit Smiling Mind website