Year 8

SJC Athletics 

Dear Parents and students,


I hope that you are all safe and well.


The recent announcement from the Victorian State Government extending restrictions means that Year 8 Camp to Forest Edge CYC is now cancelled.


As we come to the end of term, it is not surprising that we as parents, students and teachers are fatigued by lockdown and are definitely ready for the holidays. I would encourage the young men especially, to persevere for the remaining week and make a concentrated effort to complete any outstanding work, leaving the holidays free for relaxation.


I would like to express my thanks to all the staff for their diligent work and sincere efforts looking after our students. I would particularly like to thank Ms Amy Collins. Amy is taking Long Service Leave in Term 4. Amy is a vibrant member of the Year 8 Team and although we will miss her, we wish her and her husband all the best for their leave. I am sure the days will be filled with lovely walks, delicious cooking, hopefully some travel and maybe even some yoga. We are pleased to welcome Mr Ashley Stewart to our staff. Ashley will be covering

Amy’s classes in Term 4.


To all the students, I wish to acknowledge your hard work under challenging circumstances.


 Thank you to the young men in our year level who have sent lovely messages of thanks and appreciation to us, your teachers.


We wish you well for the holidays. Stay safe and God Bless.


Dee O'Neill

Year 8 Coordinator