Teaching and Learning

From Remote to Onsite

With our strategic planning and approach to remote learning, we feel confident with the learning and development that has occurred for our students throughout Term Three. The structures put in place have been intended to mirror how teaching and learning happens face-to face - this has not only ensured a variety of interactive learning opportunities each week for every child, but will also ensure a smooth transition to learning onsite in Term Four. Next term, there will be a strong focus on engaging students in their learning across the school. Targeted learning in core curriculum areas will continue to be a major focus – maximising the opportunities that onsite learning offers us all to finish the year.


Celebrations and Achievements

Although this year has looked quite different  in relation to teaching and learning for all of us, there are lots of achievements and positive outcomes to acknowledge and celebrate. 

  • Parent support with task submissions and attendance has allowed our classroom teachers to conduct assessment to inform next steps for learning.
  • Learning has continued, despite the unusual circumstances, and quality strengths have been identified in our children that may not have been realised if not for remote learning.
  • Parents, more than every before, have gained a greater insight into their child’s learning.
  • Teachers have reported stronger relationships with parents  - a stronger sense of the home/school partnership that we strive to achieve and improve every year has been realised.
  • An increase in communication about your child’s learning has occurred throughout 2020.

Student Interim Reports 

These reports will be received by our families next Monday afternoon in readiness for the Student Led Conferences, taking place on Tuesday. The report will focus on learning achievements for Term Three and include identified goals for Term Four. A focus will also be placed on our school values in this report with an identified strength that your child has demonstrated in this remote learning period.


Student Led Conferences

At the Student Led Conference next week, your child will present reflections of their learning throughout Term Three and teachers will welcome your input as a significant teacher in your child’s learning during this term as well – your input may look quite different this term as opposed to what it normally may be, given the circumstances we have been faced with and the very important role that you have played in your child’s learning. Our classroom teachers are looking forward to meeting with families next Tuesday. Families are encouraged to make a booking as soon as possible. Bookings are open until Friday, September 11 at 4:00 pm.