Year 5/6FA

 Religious Education

To finish our work on exploring Matthew's Gospel- Chapter 25: 31-44, Grade 5 / 6 FA children explored the work of two agencies that help children around the world. The two agencies were, ‘The Salvation Army’ and ‘Unicef’.


We looked at how these agencies help children who are in need around the world like providing education, housing, food and clean drinking water. Students in 5/6FA then related the work of these agencies to the Gospel of Matthew and if the people who devote their life in working with these agencies are ‘sheep’ or ‘goats’ as explained by Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. 


Below are some comments from 5/6FA children in regards to learning about agencies that help children around the world.


I was interested to learn that The Salvation Army helps children who are poor - Lisa


I could see that the people who work for UNICEF are really good people like Jesus was - Louis