
La Salle College Annual Quiz Night Friday 27 July 

Tickets are now on sale for La Salle College's Annual Quiz Night on Friday 27 July. Tickets are $13 ($11 Alumni members). Tables of 10. Please call the Administration Office on 9274 6266 to secure your table. Proceeds going towards student facilities and resources. 

Servite College Enrolments 2019


Year 7 2019 Enrolments are currently being finalised.  If your child is in Year 6 and has not yet attended an enrolment interview, please contact College Reception on 9444 6333.  We welcome the opportunity to share our Servite community with new families and offer tours of our campus.  To download an application form or to register for a tour, please visit our  

A further reminder to parents of current Year 5 students, our Year 7 2020 enrolment interviews are underway and we encourage you to return your application forms to ensure that your child experiences the Servite Way.

Addams Family - Mercedes College

Mercedes College is proud to present its 2018 production of, The Addams Family. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family – a man her parents have never met. Find out what happens when the family hosts a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents. Featuring a cast of over 70, this musical comedy is proudly presented by the students of Mercedes College. Coming to the Regal Theatre in Subiaco for 4 performances only, from Friday 27 July. Tickets are available at

Triple P Free Parenting Seminar

You are invited to attend the Triple P Seminar Series. You will learn practical, positive and effective ways to deal with common behavioural problems and ways to help your child achieve their best at school and in the future.


Parents are encouraged to attend all 3 seminars:

  1. Children's behaviour - the tough part of parenting
  2. Raising Confident Children
  3. Raising Emotionally Resilient Children

The next FREE 3 week Series is held:


When:             15 August 2018

Location:        Maylands Rise

                           28 Eighth Ave, Maylands

RSVP:             Bookings are essential and places are limited.


Please visit to book your place.


To find other available programs visit our website or check the attached information leaflet.

Transplant Australia

Transplant Australia are hosting a postcard exhibition and auction to support the work of Transplant Australia and to enable more children to attend the Australian Transplant Games.

Please find attached further information.

Keyboard Lessons

Next term, Keyed Up Music will be teaching keyboard lessons Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday during school times, and drums on Thursday during school times. Lessons start from $17.50 for a group lesson of 4 people, $18.10 for a group lesson of 3, $22.55 for a shared lesson and $33.00 for an individual lesson.


If you are interested please ring Therese on 1300 366 243 or enrol at

Dianella Plaza School Holiday Activities

Week 1 – Tuesday to Thursday 3 to 5 July from 10am to 2pm – Ultimate Slotcar Racing.

Week 2 – Wednesday 11 July – 11am to 1pm – Treasure Hunt, mini animal farm, face painting, messy play


We also have an Incredibles 2 colouring in competition for you to win one of three prize packs including movie tickets.




Please visit the centre website for more details