Principal's Message


We thank you Lord, for this term.  


For the challenges, the successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt.  


Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.  

Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith.  

Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others.  

To be peacemakers in our family.  

Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun.  

Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term.  

We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us. May we always be conscious of you in our lives.  


Farewell & Welcome

Last Wednesday, at the End of Term Thanksgiving Mass, we farewelled Mr Clive Chitty. Mr Chitty has been an educator and leader in our system for over 40 years and has worked at a number of different schools, including Education Department Schools. 


We also said farewell, for now, to Mrs Barclay (New Year 6 Teacher at Infant Jesus School, Morley), Mr Kirry (Acting Assistant Principal at St Luke's, Woodvale) and Mrs Meyerkort (Long Service Leave). 


I welcome Ms Lauren Dean and Mrs Jodie McCarthy as the new tandem replacing Mr Justin Kirry in Year 4G and Mrs Christine Peters who is replacing Ms Lauren Dean in Year 4M. I also welcome back Mrs Di Scoble from her short term principalships. Mrs Scoble will be the science teacher in Years 3-6 as well as a support teacher.

Grandparents' Mass, Classroom Visits and Morning Tea

A Grandparents' Day has been scheduled for Wednesday 25 July, with a 9am Mass (Whole School Mass) and morning tea. All grandparents will be invited to visit their grandchildren's classrooms, straight after mass and before the morning tea, to view the wonderful work the children have completed.


Please mark the date in your diary and let all grandparents know about the event.

Changes to OLA Uniform Policy

At the recent Board Uniform Sub-Committee meeting, the members reviewed the suggestions put forward by the parent community and have endorsed the following changes to the policy, commencing next term.

  • Plain, black school sandal with buckle or Velcro permitted during the summer months - Terms 1 & 4 (Optional).
  • No decorations or embellishments permitted on school uniforms or shoes/sandals.
  • When representing the school at formal events, closed black school shoes with socks or tights must be worn.
  • In 2015, children were able to wear sport shoes of any colour and this will continue. The shoes will need to be suitable for physical activity and supportive.
  • A new microfibre bucket hat will be implemented.
  • Boys will be permitted to wear shorts during the winter and spring months - Terms 2 & 3.
  • Shirts will remain long or short sleeve.
  • Tie, socks, tights and jumper to remain.

Ongoing - To be investigated further and no decision has been made.

  • A unisex option will be investigated so that girls can have the option of wearing pants (Optional for parents)
  • Adjustable skirt options for junior primary girls
  • Options for a button cardigan (Optional for parents).

The school's Uniform Policy will be updated next term to reflect the decisions made by the Uniform Sub-Committee.

Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Applications For 2019 & 2020

Parents with siblings due to start Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten in 2019 and 2020 are requested to complete the attached application form if they haven't done so already. We are also accepting applications for 2021 and beyond. Once the application has been completed, please email Administration at  

Canteen Helpers Needed Urgently

A Message from Rosie Samuels (Canteen Manageress)


As Term 2 comes to a close, it's now time to coordinate helpers for Term 3.


To keep prices to a minimum, volunteers are required to assist in the canteen. If the school was to employ a canteen assistant, prices would increase significantly and we don't want this to occur. We would like to keep the costs down to a minimum, hence assistance from the community is required. If you were to compare the OLA canteen prices to other schools, you will notice our prices are a lot cheaper.


A huge thank you to Julia and the other volunteers I can call upon to help out during our very busy canteen days. At this stage, the Term 3 helpers schedule has not been filled by parents and assistance is required urgently.


Below is the schedule for Term 3 and I would dearly love more people to assist on canteen days.  Please complete the attached PDF schedule email it directly to me at 


Thank you

Rosie Samuels

Canteen Manageress

Term 3 Pupil Free Days

Pupil Free Days have been scheduled for the first two days back in Term 3, Monday 16 July and Tuesday 17 July. Please mark these dates in your diary. School commences for students on Wednesday 18 July.


Please take note the school website calendar is updated regularly during the term and the Term PDF calendars, uploaded to the school's website, are updated at the end of each term. For more up to date events, please refer to school website calendar.


Attached are the updated calendars. 


It has been a very busy Term 2 and I thank you all for your support. May you all have a relaxing two week break.


Greg Martin
