
Galilee Day - Tomorrow

A reminder children will celebrate Galilee Day tomorrow, Friday 24th November. A Mass on the basketball court will begin at 9.30am. Students can wear their sport uniform as they will be participating in a disco during the day as well as other fun activities in their classrooms.

Happy birthday Galilee! 

Parent Helpers

Swimming Carnival

Please ensure the Caremonkey form has been signed for Galilee Swim Carnival being held next Wednesday. They will need to wear their bathers under their sport uniform and bring goggles, Galilee swim cap, underwear, towel and lots and food and drink. No coloured ribbons/ hairspray etc.


Lots of students are missing hats with names on them. Can you please check the hat your child has with them and if it's not their's, return to the school. There are still many jumpers/jackets in lost property waiting to be collected by their owners.

Staff News

Congratulations to our Learning Support Officer, Sophia Alex and her husband Anthony, on the announcement of her pregnancy.  The baby will be due early next year.

School Closure Day

Our School Closure Day will be on Friday December 1st and is a compulsory time to spend with Catholic Education staff in planning a strategic plan (following the Review) for the next four years.

Father/Child Camp

Last weekend I was fortunate to spend time in Queenscliff with over 90 participants in our Father/Child Camp. The weather was perfect and the activities were enjoyed by all (kayaking, pizza making, bike riding and beach cricket). I thank Paul Mapley for his outstanding preparation in making it a memorable occasion for all. A more thorough report will be in our next newsletter.

DOGS T-Shirts

If you ordered a DOGS t-shirt and have not yet received it, your order is waiting to be collected from the office.

Festival of the Bands

On Friday the 1st December, 5pm – 7pm, the all new and exciting “galiGLEE choir” will present its first ever public performance at the Bay Street Festival.

This is Galilee’s first year of joining in the festivities and the competition.


For this fantastic opportunity to work for our school, it is important that the children and our choir are committed to this date and all of the Galilee community is encouraged and welcome to come and watch (if not compete with us!).