Leader of Student Wellbeing

The end of the first half of the year brings a chance to reflect on achievements during Semester 1, and to look forward to the coming semester. During Term 3, there are five timetabled Academic Pastoral Care lessons on Wednesdays. These will give more opportunities to explore themes from wide ranging topics such as resilience, anti-bullying, study skills development and goal setting. The programs are facilitated by Mentor Group Teachers.


I would like to thank the hardworking Leaders of Student Care (LOSC), College Counsellors and our Student Welfare Officer, for their commitment to pastoral care and well being of all students at McCarthy.


In the absence of Mrs O'Neill (LOSC - Year 11) and Mr Wlliams (LOSC - Year 8), we welcome Mrs Thompson (Year 11) and Miss Hannan (Year 8) to the team.   


As always the LOSC, and myself, are the first port of call if you would like to discuss issues/problems concerning your child. My email is: sstuart@arm.catholic.edu.au 

Have a restful and safe mid year break.


Mrs Sharon Stuart - Leader of  Student Wellbeing