Class Dojo

Best of Class Dojo!
A big thank you to all the parents who have already signed up with their Galilee Class Dojo account - we now have 70% of our families connected. We will be posting the 'Best of..." in every newsletter, highlighting the amazing events going on in our school.
Parents will be receiving personal invitations from their child's classroom teacher by Friday 9th February. Teachers will then begin posting next week in their Class Story, if they have not already done so.
Class Dojo consists of three types of stories:
The SCHOOL STORY will be updated by certain staff members and will keep all of our families up to date with events in the school community. Last week, the SCHOOL STORY contained the link to the first episode of 'Galilee In 60' for 2018; news about the coffee van before church, as well as the Welcome BBQ.
THE CLASS STORY will be updated by the classroom teachers and will provide news and pictures relating to that particular class. For example, Mrs Ford and Miss Otte are using their CLASS STORY to send home their Home Learning Information Sheet each week. This information is only sent to the families in that particular class.
THE STUDENT STORY will also be updated by the classroom teachers, however sometimes the students will update their own stories, with assistance from the Year Six Digital Technology Leaders. The STUDENT STORY acts as a portfolio of work that will be visible only by the child's family. These will be updated throughout the year.
If you have any questions about Class Dojo, please feel free to email me at - otherwise, enjoy the "Best of Class Dojo" for the week.
Joss Coaley
eLearning Leader