Leadership and Management

Galilee Student Reports
At the end of last year we introduced new Student Reports. We changed the format of the reports with the aim to better communicate student achievement to families. We asked for feedback following the publication of the reports by sending a Survey to all families. We would like to thank the families who completed the survey and provided us with valuable information. We will use this information when preparing Student Reports this year.
The results indicate that most families preferred the format that was used for our Semester Two reports.
The Results:
Question 1) The new reporting format was an improvement on the previous reporting format.
- Strongly Agree - 42.11%
- Agree - 47.37%
- Disagree - 10.53%
- Strongly Disagree - 0.00%
Comments (sample only):
- Streamlined format and very easy to read and understand.
- More personalised feedback- showed areas of excellence and where improvement was needed.
- I felt I received a greater understanding of where my son was academically with his core subjects.
- Easy to understand.
Question 2) The new reporting format was well structured and easy to read.
- Strongly Agree - 36.84%
- Agree - 57.89%
- Disagree - 5.26%
- Strongly Disagree - 0.00%
Comments (sample only):
- Logical flow, charts are a great simple way of seeing progress.
- The format for printing needs improvement, printed copies contained missing data and unusual page breaks.
Question 3) The new reporting format gave me more information about my child's performance in all learning areas.
- Strongly Agree - 39.47%
- Agree - 52.63%
- Disagree - 7.89%
- Strongly Disagree - 0.00%
Comments (sample only):
- Not sure if its more information but it certainly is more accessible.
- Reporting to specific measurable outcomes is a great way to provide feedback. At a glance you know where your child needs assistance and it is specific.
Question 4) I liked that the new reporting format gave me more information about my child's Effort and Behaviour?
- Strongly Agree -39.47%
- Agree - 55.26%
- Disagree - 2.63%
- Strongly Disagree - 2.63%
Comments (sample only):
- I really liked this area of the report as I feel it is such an important part learning and greatly important to be able to feed that back to my child, but also areas where they need to work on.
- Shows that the school see that it is the whole child that is important not just academic skills.
Question 5) Please select your preferred option:
Option 1) Behaviour marked with one dot point and Effort marked with one dot point, as it was in the Semester One reports.
Option 2) Behaviour and Effort marked using an expanded table, as it was in the Semester Two reports.
Option 1 - 7.89%
Option 2 - 92.11%
Question 6) I would like to continue to see Effort and Behaviour marked for each learning area.
- Yes - 97.37%
- No - 2.63%
Comments (sample only):
- This is important as it gives us a picture of the whole child. If there are discrepancies between learning areas and teachers, as parents it gives us a bigger picture to analyze. For example why is there one subject area that is markedly different to all other areas.
- You can better gauge what your child enjoys based on effort.
Question 7) The General Comment gave me an understanding about the personal and social development of my child at school?
- Strongly Agree - 36.84%
- Agree - 55.26%
- Disagree - 5.26%
- Strongly Disagree - 2.63%
Comments (sample only):
- The general comments are very brief and generic so don't really tell a lot about the personal and social development.
- It’s great
Question 8) The overviews at the beginning of each Learning Area gave me an understanding of the learning opportunities that my child participated in throughout the semester?
- Strongly Agree - 39.47%
- Agree - 55.26%
- Disagree - 2.63%
- Strongly Disagree - 2.63%
Question 9) In 2018, I would like to see the General Comment remain in the student report?
- Yes - 100.00%
- No - 0.00%
Comments (sample only):
- It is very important to provide a general comment of the overall performance, it would also be helpful to address an area for improvement, an area for which the child needs to work on.
- Even expanded.
- Yes need this.
Question 10) In 2018, I would prefer to continue with this new format where my child's achievement is marked using ticks in an expanded table, matched to the curriculum, as it was in the Semester Two reports?
- Yes - 100.00%
- No - 0.00%
Question 11) In 2018, I would prefer my child's achievement to be commented on using dot points only, without using expanded tables, as it was in Semester One reports?
- Yes - 21.05%
- No - 78.95%
Comments (sample only):
- I feel I received more information this semester.
- Semester 2 is a much better overview.
- Easier to work with new format.
Student Voice and Student Leadership
At Galilee we believe that it is important to develop leadership skills and capabilities in all of our students. We also encourage students to actively participate in our school community through Student Voice; contributing to decision making processes and collectively influencing outcomes by putting forward their views, concerns and ideas.
At Galilee, one way that student voice is heard, is through Student Representative Council (SRC). SRC Leaders will meet regularly with Ms. Wallis and Ms. Burke in SRC Meetings and they will be asked to hold regular Class Meetings to share ideas and concerns, make suggestions and contribute to decision making processes.
The Social Justice Leaders will also have an opportunity to be leaders and share their voice through the variety of activities that they will promote, organise and run. The Social Justice Leaders will be invovled in running fundraising events, planning and setting up liturgies and taking on new initiatives such as the Day of Action. Social Justice Leaders will meet regularly with Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Burns.
This week we announced our Student Representative Council Leaders and Social Justice Leaders from each class. We congratulate these students and we look forward to hearing about the work that they are apart of this year.
2018 Student Representative Council Leaders
Year 6 - Noah and Andrew
Year 5 - Ioanna and Ellyse
Year 4 - Ruby and Willow
Year 3 - Isla and Alexander
Year 2 - Elsa and Madeline
Year 1 - Jacob and Ben
Prep SRC Leaders will be announced in March
2018 Social Justice Leaders
Year 6 - Tiffany and Maya
Year 5 - Ali and Bridget
Year 4 - Alex and John
Year 3 - Grace and Nicholas
Year 2 - Pablo and Joel
Year 1 - Marni and Oliver
Prep Social Justice Leaders will be announced in March