Education in Faith

Lent is the season for preparing for Easter, where we remember Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, his passion, crucifixion and look towards his resurrection. Lent is a special time when we stop and think about how we can play our part in God’s hope for a world that is fair, just and peaceful. We think about our relationship with God, and how through serving others we can grow closer to him. We also think about the changes we can make in our lives, to be God’s love and mercy in our world, ensuring all people have a just future. During Lent we are asked to think about how we follow Jesus’ teachings in our everyday lives and where we need to change our ways, and ask for forgiveness.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which falls on Wednesday 14th February this year. At Galilee we are holding an Ash Wednesday Liturgy in the hall at 2.40pm. Our Year 6 teachers and students have prepared a beautiful Liturgy and they would like to welcome everyone in our school community to join us. During the Liturgy, everyone will receive the ashes, a sign to remind us to live the way Jesus wants. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of our preparation for Easter when Jesus rises from the dead.
Project Compassion
This year, we will once again be participating in Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal, Project Compassion. We will be raising much needed funds and awareness for the world's poor to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. This year the theme of Project Compassion is “A Just Future” and celebrated the Year of Youth. As Pope Francis said, “Cultivate with love the seeds of goodness, beauty and truth that God sows in every new generation.”
Through your generosity during Project Compassion this year, you are empowering young people to build a just future for themselves, their families and their communities.
A Just Future starts with your support!
Each classroom will have a Project Compassion Box. We ask that you bring along any coins to donate to the Project Compassion Box. We will be collecting money throughout Lent. On the last day of Term 1 we will send all donated money to Caritas Australia. Thank you for your support.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of healing and restoration. It celebrates the endlessly forgiving mercy of God and the change of heart of all those who turn back to God after sin.
Many of our Year 3 students are in the process of enrolling to make their First Reconciliation later this term. The enrollment forms and dates have been published below.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park and St. Joseph's, Port Melbourne Reconciliation Dates:
- Thursday 15th February - 6pm Reconciliation Faith Night for Parents and Students at Galilee in the hall
- Thursday 15 February - 7.30pm Parent Only Information Session at St Joseph’s Hall, 274 Rouse Street, Port Melbourne
- Saturday 17 February - 4.45pm Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
- Saturday 24 February - 4.45pm Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
- Saturday 3 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
- Friday 16th March - Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50 - 3.25pm
- Saturday 17 March - 4.45pm Preparation Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual in Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church
- Thursday 22 March 2018 - 7.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation -Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park
Reconciliation Enrollment Form for the Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Middle Park and St. Joseph's, Port Melbourne:
Ss Peter and Paul, South Melbourne Reconciliation Dates:
Please note that these dates are correct and have been updated from the original dates that were published earlier.
- Thursday 15th February - 6pm Parent and Child Faith Night and Information Session - Galilee Hall, Bank Street South Melbourne
- Sunday 18 February - 10am Parish Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
- Sunday 25 February - 10am Parish Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
- Sunday 4 March - 10am Parish Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
- Friday 16th March - Reflection Day at Galilee School from 8.50am - 3.25pm
- Sunday 18 March - 10am Parish Mass at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
- Tuesday 20th March 2018 - 7.00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Ss Peter and Paul, South Melbourne
Reconciliation Enrollment Form for the Parish Ss Peter and Paul, South Melbourne:
Please note this form for Ss. Peter and Paul is correct and has been updated from the original form that was sent out earlier.
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates
Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally.
Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive.
Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Opening School Mass
Last Friday we came together as a School Community to pray as we started a new school year. We were reminded about the new friends that we will make, the new things that we will learn and the exciting opportunities that we will have this year. We were reminded to always do the best we can, and to use the special talents and gifts that God has given us.
Thank you to Fr. Dean who said Mass for us. We also thank the students from Year 1-6 who led our reading and offertory procession. We thank Miss Carnovale who led us in singing and the large number of parents and friends who attended the Mass. It was a wonderful start to the year.
Social Justice Leaders
We are very excited to announce our Social Justice Leaders for 2018. We congratulate these students who will be leading many new initiatives and representing Galilee on a number of occasions. During Term 1, the Social Justice Leaders will be focusing on Lent, Holy Week and the Project Compassion Drive. We thank these students for their service and we look forward to hearing about the amazing work that they do.
2018 Social Justice Leaders
Year 6 - Tiffany and Maya
Year 5 - Ali and Bridget
Year 4 - Alex and John
Year 3 - Grace and Nicholas
Year 2 - Pablo and Joel
Year 1 - Marni and Oliver
Prep Social Justice Leaders will be announced in March
Saints Peter and Paul's Events
We wish to congratulate Fr. Dean on the 5th anniversary of his Ordination this month! Fr. Dean has been a wonderful additional to our school community and we look forward to growing in faith with him.
There a number of events happening at Ss. Peter and Paul's that we encourage you to think about attending.
- February 10th at 10.30 - Men's Breakfast - The first men's breakfast of the year will be held directly after Mass.
- February 16th, 23rd March 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd - Stations of the Cross and Fish and Chips - Share in praying the Stations of the Cross and afterwards for fish and chips at the back of the house.
- February 21st 7-9pm - Mass for Young Adults with Archbishop Hart - Come join in celebrating the beginning of Lent and a bite to eat afterwards.
- March 3rd - Mercy in the City 7-10pm join a night of adoration, prayer, music, food and festivities.