Principal's Report

Dear Families,
The year has begun in earnest with a number of activities to engage everyone in the students' learning such as: Student Wellbeing Week, beginning of year Mass, introduction of DOJO, Meet the Teacher and Welcome BBQ. Building relationships is a key element in a successful school environment. The wellbeing activities have been designed to build confidence in the students' ability to take risks, be creative and learn from mistakes but also to work collaboratively with peers. Meet the Teacher occurred earlier this year, to accelerate the relationships formed between parents and teachers. We have a number of new teachers and they have been very excited to get to know the families.
It is a new year and many students are with different peers and have the opportunity to make new friendships. We are all unique but it is our differences that make us compatible. Our Catholic faith encourages us to not only improve ourselves but to make a positive difference to the lives of others. I recently attended the funeral of a childhood friend's mother and I listened to stories of her life. It brought back many memories from my own childhood, many I had forgotten over time. Afterwards I reflected upon my own parents, who were present at the funeral, and the impact they had on myself and lives of many of their friends. My memories were dominated by shared holidays, games and sporting activities. They were not of possessions but shared memories. How we interact and form relationships is what's remembered over time. My parents were present at all of the significant moments in my life. The giving of time is the greatest gift we can give to our children and one another. An insignificant action to someone can be a life-changing event to someone else. It's easy to think of our own needs but much more complex to consider the needs of others around us. One example was Jesus whose life was a mission of service to others around him and two thousand years later we are still using him as a beacon of hope.
How do you wish to be remembered? Is it someone who worked hard, made a lot of money but had few close relationships. I doubt that anyone wishes to be remembered like that but it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and expectations from work. It's the unselfish acts in our lives, that give us nothing in return that really give us so much. Think about the times in your life that have provided you with the most joy and try to do them more often. Volunteering your time for the benefit others can indirectly provide you with a high level of satisfaction. An indicator of a successful school is the number of parents prepared to volunteer their time without directly benefiting their own children.
The generosity of the time invested in people is the real footprint we all leave.
Tonight we had our 2018 Welcome Picnic and it was incredibly well attended by most of the families and staff. Thankyou to the parents who volunteered their time on the stalls.
We welcome fifty-two new Preps to Galilee in 2018 and the following new students: Samuel and Tomasz 1S, Felix 1C, Sive and Henry 3R, Finn and Lara 3W, Noah 4G, Noah 5F. We trust that all of the new students are being welcomed by their classmates and teachers.
Weclome to the following new staff who have already made an impact upon our students and school community: Sammy Bamford, Holly Burke, Bianca Wallis, Anna Petrarca (returned from Leave) and Charlotte Biggs.
Prep– Sammy Bamford & Holly Evans (part-time support by Julianne Price and Amy Burns)
Year 1– Cassandra Smith & Laura Cox (Linda Florenca-Grillo Friday)
Year 2– Holly Burke & Brighid Fahy (part-time support by Danielle Gerecke and Amy Burns)
Year 3– Helen Rochecouste & Bianca Wallis
Year 4– Colleen Giles (Julianne Price Monday) & Anna Petrarca (Shaun Tobin Friday)
Year 5– Brittany Ford (Carmen Carnovale Monday) & Tarren Otte (Carmen Carnovale Friday)
Year 6– Charlotte Biggs & Joss Coaley (Linda Florenca-Grillo Wednesday 8:50am-11 am, Thursday 11:30am-3:25 pm)
Sport– Shaun Tobin
Art– Mal Orr
Performing Arts– Carmen Carnovale
Italian & ICT– Carlo Martello
Library Technician– Tegan Stuart
Learning Support Officers– Pauline Semmens, Rosa Serratore, Tegan Stuart & Maree Santamaria
Administration– Wendy Dalton & Tegan Stuart
Reading Recovery & Levelled Literacy Intervention—Linda Florenca-Grillo
Number Intervention—Jane Ferris
Principal- Simon Millar
Deputy Principals- Danielle Gerecke & Amy Burns
English (shared), Student Wellbeing (shared) & Learning and Teaching- Danielle Gerecke
Maths (shared), Religion & Learning and Teaching- Amy Burns
Maths (shared)- Jane Ferris
English Leader (shared)- Laura Cox
Community Partnerships- Holly Evans & Brighid Fahy
Religious Education Faith- Brittany Ford
Student Wellbeing (shared) & Student Services- Julianne Price
STEAM Leaders- Holly Evans & Brighid Fahy
IT Infrastructure- Carlo Martello
eLearning- Joss Coaley
Outdoor Environment- Tarren Otte
Sport- Shaun Tobin
Specialists- Mal Orr
Performing Arts/OHS- Carmen Carnovale
Open Days & 2019 Sibling Enrolments
Can all 2019 Prep Sibling enrolment forms please be completed by Friday February 16. Sibling interviews will be held from March 5-16. Our first Open Day will be held on Wednesday March 14 from 9-11am. This is an excellent opportunity for interested families to see Galilee students and staff in action. School tours will be conducted by our Year 6 student leaders.
Non-sibling interviews will from April 30 - May 11.
Click here for the Enrolment Form.
Meet The Teacher
This week we held meetings between parents and teachers with a number of students also being present. It was an opportunity for parents/guardians to share important information that will assist the teachers in buiding a rapport with the students. We held them earlier in the year to help build a relationship between the teacher and parents. The aim is for parents and teachers to feel comfortable approaching one another in the best interests of the students. I congratulate the parents on their willingness to participate with an attendance rate of approximately 95%. Those parents who were unable to attend are strongly encouraged to make another time with the teacher asap. Strong and positive relationships between parents and teachers is an essential ingredient in student learning.
Class Dojo
This year we have increased communication with parents by introducing Class Dojo. Teachers are able to take photos and videos of students and their learning. Also, we have established the 'School Story' which has enabled us to share events and learning across the whole school. Over 70% of parents have chosen to engage with Dojo and view more closely what is occurring at Galilee. The application is new to teachers and we expect it will be used more regular as familiarity grows. Thankyou to Mr Coaley and the Digital Technology Team who has introduced this new initiative aimed at increasing the partnership with parents.
If you have a smart phone, we encourage you to add your Galilee Parent Calendar to your phone or other device to be updated with school events:
Please be aware that dates and times may change throughout the year and will be updated in the calendar and school newsletter.
Harmony Week
Harmony Week at Galilee will be celebrated from March 5-9, 2018. When considering your family heritage, do you have a favourite food? Is there a traditional dress? We have a Harmony Week Committee compiling ideas and activities. More information will be distributed in the coming weeks but in preparation you are encouraged to discuss your family heritage with your children/students.
Sophia (Learning Support Officer, 2017) and her husband Anthony welcomed a baby boy on Saturday.
Congratulations and we hope you enjoy the many memorable moments with your baby.
Last year we announced the exciting news that Mrs Burns was pregnant with her (and husband, AJ) first child. Mrs Burns will be taking Maternity Leave for Terms 2-4 and the position has been advertised amongst our staff. When the successful candidate has been chosen, they will be announced to the community. Mrs Burns has made an incredible impact upon our school but it will provide an opportunity for someone else to learn and lead.
New Policies
In last week's Bulletin you were informed about updated and new policies loaded to our school website. Some of the key points are:
- Students are wearing their sport uniform every Friday and when participating in Physical Education lessons.
- If your child is leaving Galilee we require 10 weeks notice prior to departure unless unforeseen circumstances occur. Provide written confirmation of departure to the school office. The written letter will contain information regarding the reason for departure and transfer details of the new school that your child/ren will attend. Schedule an Exit Interview with the Principal or Deputy.
- If less than ten week’s notice is given you may be charged additional fees to factor in pre-ordering of resources and camps, excursions, extra-curricula programs, classroom related costs, school fees etc.
Attendance (repeated from Bulletin)
In accordance with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006, schooling is compulsory for children and young people from 6-17 years unless an exemption has been granted. All registered schools must record student attendance twice per day in primary schools and record, in writing, the reason given for each absence. This is necessary to:
-meet legislative requirements
-discharge schools' duty of care for all students
A review of the Attendance Guidelines for schools was undertaken by the Victorian Minister for Education in Term 4, 2017. Changes to the Attendance Guidelines now state: 'schools must advise parents/guardians of unexplained absences, on the same day, as soon as practicable, including for post-compulsory aged students'.
These changes will help ensure the safety of school-aged children during school hours and that schools are supported in their duty-of-care obligations. Schools have until the beginning of Term Three to be enforcing this new law.
We are currently investigating the use of IT software to notify parents of their child's attendance on a same-day basis. In the interim, any absences for your child/ren must be reported to the class teacher via email or a phone call to the Office or on the website by 9:30am on the day of the absence.
Attendance at school, unless sick, is vitally important for all students.
Swimming Lessons
Years 3-6 will begin swimming lessons this Monday 12th February. Students will need to come to school with their bathers under their school uniform each day next week. Classes will leave Galilee approximately 30 minutes before their lesson time. Please ensure Caremonkey forms are complete before Monday.
Lesson times:
10:00am – 11:00am = Year 6
11:00am – 12:00pm = Year 5
12:00pm – 1:00pm = Year 4
1:00pm – 2:00pm = Year 3
P.E Day Change to Timetable
Due to the Year 3-6 Swimming Programme next week, changes have been made to the P.E timetable for next week only.
Monday - Prep E and 1S
Tuesday - 5O, 4G, 1C, Year 6
Wednesday - 5F, 4P, Year 2
Thursday - Year 3, Prep B
Simon Millar
(Principal of Galilee)