Around the College

Year 7 Dance
All term in Physical Education the Year 7 topic was rhythmic and expressive movement. In groups, we have been creating and working on an original dance routine. On Friday 30th November, we had our official presentations of all dances. There were many different types of moves and dances, ranging from funny ones to fast ones to gymnastic ones. It was amazing to see all the Year 7s' hard work pay off in the end. They worked so hard for the whole term deciding moves, costumes and songs, and you really could tell the huge amounts of effort and hard work they put into the routines. It was a great day overall and everyone really enjoyed seeing everyone’s dances and having so many support us.
Rusha Shah and Freya Matthews
Year 7
Young Leaders Day Excursion
On 14th November, a group of students from all different year levels travelled to the city for the National Young Leaders Day excursion. While there, we saw four different successful Australians talk about what it takes to be a young leader. First there was Cosentino, a world-famous magician and illusionist, who spoke about no matter what your abilities or where you come from, if you find something you’re passionate about, you can be a success. Holly Ferling, an international women’s cricketer, spoke about how there will always be setbacks in life, but you can always learn something from them. The youngest Australian Olympic swimmer, Leisel Jones, talked to us about how it takes hours and hours of hard work to achieve your goals, but how the outcome is always so satisfying. Finally, Tongan actor Uli Latufeku spoke about how you can be anything you want to be, no matter what your background. Overall, the day was amazing and inspirational. We all learnt a lot.
Freya Matthews and Rusha Shah
Year 7
Jump Rope for Heart
In term 4 the Year 9 program students participated in Jump Rope for Heart; a fundraiser by The Heart Foundation. It encourages kids to have a positive attitude towards exercise, healthy eating and heart health while raising vital funds to fight heart disease. Students were asked to register and fundraise for all the skips they would complete in the event.
A Jump Off competition was also run at lunch times with practice days to see for how long they could maintain skipping. Congratulations to our winners: Chloe Guss, Josh Agar, Jim Short and Ashleigh Polonsky. A huge thank you and congratulations to Paul Palatsides on fundraising over $200 for The Heart Foundation.
Charlotte Cowley & Sasha Byrnes
Year 9 Program Teachers
Peer Support Leaders
The Peer Support Leaders have been selected for 2019. This program is designed to enhance peer connections throughout the school. It's aim is to support in particular the incoming Year 7 students’ transition from primary school to high school. Peer leaders in Year 10 work with small groups of Year 7 students. The groups work through a program of activities which involve developing skills in resilience, assertiveness, decision making, problem solving and leadership.
Intensive training took place to prepare the leaders for roles such as: participating in the Year 7 Orientation Day, modelling appropriate behaviour and attendance in accordance with the school’s values, creating a safe and friendly atmosphere in which the group can work and many other responsibilities. At the conclusion of the program it is expected that the network of support developed during the term will continue throughout the year.