Second Hand Uniform sale – helpers and donations needed
Uniform donations - by Friday 14th December
Sorting session - Tuesday 18th December 2-4pm
Stall 25th January 9-10.30am
GECPA will again organise a very handy sale of second hand uniforms in late January school holidays on the same morning as book collections.
The uniform stall is a helpful service for families and a valuable fundraiser for the school. Please donate your unwanted uniform items by the end of term. This is a donation to the school - families will not receive any payment for their items. Please ensure that all items are in reasonable condition and have been washed and dried before you bring them in. Please note that we cannot sell items that are no longer part of the college uniform, such as polar fleece jackets or the older-style sports tops (sports tops in the current style - with red sleeves- are very welcome).
Parents needed to help sort uniform donations on Tuesday 18th December 2pm - 4pm and to setup stall and sell uniforms on Friday 25th January. If you can help send an email to –helpers get first choice to buy.
Election Day stall Saturday November 24th – Democracy Sausages
Thanks to all the parent sausages shoppers, cooks, cake bakers and craft makers and sellers – our election day stall was a success, presenting a friendly face for our school in the local community and raising almost $1000. The electoral staff and people handing out how to vote cards especially enjoyed our offerings.
GEC Parents Association (GECPA) – Join Us!
All GEC parents and guardians are welcome to attend our meetings – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you. If you are interested in being involved, want to come to any of our meetings or are not already receiving our emails, please send an email to Happy Summer Holidays!
Weekly walk and talk
We have a social walking group which meets once a week to walk and chat for an hour. We meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) at 7:45pm at the corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve. So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use).
Second Hand Books
Please offer your old text books to younger school friends or sell them on Gumtree or Sustainable School Shop. It’s cheaper and more environmentally friendly than new.
Novels and plays can often be found at Brotherhood Books – online oppshop for books that supports community work of Brotherhood of St Lawrence. Most books $5ish and free delivery if you buy 3 or more – something for the students and maybe a novel for you too?
Digital access codes - Oxford books can be reset free of charge for new students - reset on 31st December each year and a new purchaser can log on with access code in the book – codes last for the life of the edition. Other publishers are similar but some may charge to reactive codes – best check with the publisher.
Teen school holidays program – Glen Eira Council
The very popular Teen School Holiday Program will run again during the January holidays.
Activities are open to young people aged 12 to 18 years, who live, work or study in Glen Eira.
Activities include Geelong Adventure Park, Amazing Race - City Dash, Sports, Movies and Bowling.
Bookings open Monday 3 December at 9am and close Friday 14 December at 5pm.
Bookings for all activities are made online and places are limited.
For a full list of activities and to book, visit their website.
Gran Prix Bicycles offer school families a 5% discount and 5% donation back to Glen Eira College. Collect a loyalty card from the school office and present it in store at Gran Prix Cycles, Glenhuntly Rd, Caulfield South.
Cathy McNaughton