Humanities News

Year 7B & 8 Geography Fieldwork Excursion
On the 19th of November, 7B and 8C went on a Geography Fieldwork Excursion.
The purpose of this excursion was to observe and examine different coastal landscapes in Melbourne; Mordialloc Estuary and Frankston Beach. The aim of this excursion was to learn more about the geographical features of coastal landscapes and have a better understanding of how they change over time.
During this excursion we practiced our data collection and data analysis skills on things such as water depth, wave frequency, longshore drift, patterns, uses of the beach and impacts on the landscapes. We then used the collected data to create a report stating, elaborating and comparing, the information.
William Wong, Hayden Cormick & Armand Goupil
Some reflections:
It was a fun and refreshing experience. We learned more about the coastal environments near us and how we may affect it. We also met some of the members of our community and listened to their concerns. We came up with recommendations about how we could help resolve these problems.
Sofia Johansson 7B
There was a lot of things I liked about the excursion. It was an overall great experience and very interesting examining the two different landscapes. Another great thing we did was conducting the experiments.
William Fassoulis 7B
I felt that this excursion was a great idea because it was a great way to get us involved in the topic and give us a real-life experience rather than look at pictures.
Harry Chen 7B
I enjoyed going to the beach, conducting a number of interesting experiments, like the longshore drift experiment. I enjoyed comparing both Frankston and Mordialloc beaches and measuring the width of the beaches, the wind direction, wavelengths, etc...
Raphael Nicolas 7B
Some benefits of both beaches were that there were very little rubbish and had minimal effects on the surrounding area and we also gathered lots of information about both of these landscapes. Also conducting an experiment to see differences in the beach’s waves and backwash.
Zac Palatsides 7B