Student Reports

On the 15th of November, two Year 5 and 6 teams entered The Regional Debate Championships consisting of 4 debaters in a team. We had to get to school at 8:00am. The 8 students who were lucky enough to get spots on the teams were waiting excitedly for the bus to arrive. We each had a book and pen in our hands as well as our already prepared speeches. We were all excited and ready to start rebutting. When the bus came to pick us up we all got in, waving our parents goodbye.
We arrived at the hosting school, Ashburton, all nervous and excited then got ready to set up. We went in the hall where all the other schools were gathering and the announcer said who was up first: it was Galilee Team 1 versus another school. The team had 3 debaters: Geremy, Kaavya and Scarlett with one debater sitting out. The topic was: There should be a minimum age for mobile phone usage. The Galilee team had some strong facts and rebuttals but sadly that wasn’t enough to beat the team they were up against. We watched the other Galilee team and then it was Galilee team 1’s turn again. This time Scarlett was sitting out so it was me (Ali), Geremy and Kaavya. The topic was that households should get a fine for not recycling and we were the affirmative team. The team we were up against ended up winning by 4 points. They were really powerful and had strong facts and statistics and they ended up winning the whole competition. The next round was a secret round and Galilee team 1 was called inside with all the other team 1s and we were told the topic. Before the announcer told us the topic she said that we couldn’t get any help from teachers, parents or from students from the other school team and that we couldn't use electronic devices to search up answers. The first team were going to get the topic before the second team because they were debating earlier. The topic was: Beauty is better than brains. Sadly Galilee team 1 was affirmative. If we won we would be doing one last round. We were up against Ashburton school, all excited but then we lost by one point. We then listened to the schools get awards. We got back on the bus and arrived back at school at 3:40pm. It was a great day and even though we didn’t win any of the debates it was a great experience. We would all do it again!
By Ali
Debate Day By Summer
On the 15th of November, two excited teams of debaters in Year Five and Six competed in the Regional Debate Championship. The first team was Scarlett, Geremy, Ali and Kaavya. The second team was Ethan, Abby, Emily and Summer. Everyone was due to arrive at school at 8.00 am. Once everyone had arrived at school the bus took off at 8.10 am. As soon as we arrived at the venue (Ashburton Primary) they kindly welcomed us to their school and allowed us to use their great facilities. We watched the first Galilee teams spectacular debate and were ready for ours. We went into the performing arts room and were ready to begin. The topic was there should be a minimum age for mobile phone usage and we were the negative team meaning we disagreed with this statement. Some of the other teams had been preparing their debates for a while whereas we only worked on ours for couple of days!!! But we were confident in ourselves. The debate began and the first speaker on the affirmative team begun with some strong points. Then I, Summer, as the first speaker on our team delivered our first points. Then we had the second on affirmative team speak. After she spoke, it was Abby’s turn she made some strong points which were extremely hard to rebut. After the third speaker on the affirmative went it was Emily’s turn she excelled at concluding our debate and we were proud of ourselves. Once the scores were tabulated and we shook hands with the other team the chairman announced that we had won the debate, we were ecstatic. Once we had finished the first debate we had a snack break and then we were back to debating. We had Emily as our first speaker, me as our second speaker and Ethan as our third speaker. Our topic was Households should be fined for not recycling, we were on the negative side. We made strong arguments but unfortunately we lost but only by three points. Our third debate was a secret topic and we found that the topic was beauty is better than brains and we were yet again negative team. We had 2 and a half hours to make a good debate. We tried our best but unfortunately the other team was better. Once the debates were over, we went home with grins our faces because we had had a great day.
Goodbye From Year 6
This term the Year Six’s have had a number of celebratory events to wrap up our time at Galilee. We started the term with the Amazing Race where we ran around the city trying to accrue as many points as we could by catching different types of public transport, including buses, trams and trains, visiting places from Fitzroy to Docklands and dropping everything at 1:00pm to get a soft serve ice cream from McDonald’s. It was a very enjoyable day for all, where all of our competitive streaks came out, especially Miss Biggs, although, for once she didn’t win! Well done to Team Coaley and Team Tanousis on their victory.
Next we had our Taco Bill Lunch. We made our way down to Taco Bill in South Melbourne where we successfully stuffed ourselves with delicious Mexican. Some of us were game enough to try the ‘Sudden Death Sauce’, which was extremely spicy and some of us had to drink a number of glasses of milk to try and calm the fire in our mouths. Well done to Jackson from 6B and Geremy from 6C who won the Taco Bill award for consistently showing leadership qualities and always being willing to help others.
This week we had our Graduation Mass, we received our Graduation Certificates and officially handed the reins over to next year’s Year Sixes. We wish them all the best! We also had our Big Day Out where we went to Funfields for some exciting rides. The weather was stunning and we all had a lot of fun. Thank you to Mr Millar and Miss Otte who came with us, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did.
This year has been my favourite so far, without a doubt. Every moment has been so positive and enjoyable thanks to Miss Biggs, Mr. Coaley and the rest of the school community. We are all so grateful for everything they have done this year, to make it as pleasant and exciting as possible. I’m going to miss this year, but I eagerly anticipate the experiences I am yet to have. I know we all feel as though we have been thoroughly equipped to tackle any challenge we may face at High School and that is a credit to our Year Six teachers, the staff and students at Galilee and the school community. Good luck to everybody, and have a great year in 2019!
Jacqui N.
Year 5/6 Cricket
On the 9th of November the Year Five & Sixes went to compete at T20 cricket. Galilee sent a bunch of teams and were ready to compete. My teammates were Summer, Raijeli, Kaavya, Abby, Matilda, Tivona, Emily, Anabelle, Sandy and myself.
A group of very excited students were sitting on the bus waiting in anticipation to compete in the T20 cricket. It was a sunny day and we were boiling. We got started playing straight away. We won one game, drew once and lost twice. Although we did not make it in the finals we were still happy with our results.
We would like to thank Mr Tobin, the Galilee staff and the parents, this was a really fun day for all and cannot wait to do it again in 2019!!!
By Aleeya & Summer
"Thanks Shaun, It was a lot of fun and the kids were great - great sportsmanship and behaviour- a real credit to Galilee. "
"It was a good day, it’s great seeing all the kids getting into it."
Gingerbread House Making!
Year 3 making their gingerbread houses. Thanks for organising Cecelia and to the parents helpers.
2018 Galilee Swimming Sports at MSAC
On Friday the 16th of November, the Year 3-6’s walked to MSAC for the Swimming Carnival. It was a beautiful day and everyone was super excited. When we got there we had to get ready for our races. There were four different events to take place: freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.
Once everyone had arrived, the races begun! We were all so excited for this day. The preps- year twos came later during the day. They also competed in a lot of races and had a lot of fun.
The first event for all was freestyle, the Year 6 girls went first and then the Year 6 boys, followed by all of the other age groups. The events were ordered from freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and then butterfly. As you went down the stairs you could hear the house teams cheering and chanting for their colours.
Overall the Hearts won but all of the house teams had an amazing day. The Carmels won the spirit award even though all the house teams were supportive of one another and cheered really loudly. We all had a fun day at MSAC and we all did our best and tried hard. It was a lot of fun. Everyone swam their hardest for their house teams and Galilee.
We would like to thank all of the parent helpers and teachers for coming and making this event possible. Especially Ruby’s mum for helping with the starting of races.
A big thank you to Miss Biggs at the finish line and Miss Burke who helped the classes get from our seats to the pool area. A special thank you to Mr Tobin for organising the event.
The swimming carnival was a lot of fun and very successful.
Written By Ioanna, Bridget, Sandy, Anabel, Will, Ruby and Max Mc.