School News

School Education Board
It has been my privilege to serve on the School Education Board for the last 5 years. I have done so with the fabulous support of my fellow Board Members & the School Leadership Team. In any leadership role, it is ideal to leave things in better shape than you found them and I believe that the Board has made a difference across that time. I would equally encourage parents throughout our School Community to volunteer their time & support of the School. The best schools are those where the School Community works in partnership with the Principal & Teaching Staff to create a wonderful education & experience for our children. Your children will value the contribution of their parents more than you’ll ever know.
I will continue to support the efforts of the School Education Board, to be now chaired by Michelle McCormack, and wish them well.
I would also like to recognise the effort, time, experience & care of our School Leadership Team, Teaching & Support Staff. Our kids are lucky to have your support in this important chapter of their education.
And finally, I would like to extend all of our students and their families a blessed Christmas and hope that 2019 brings you all much good health & happiness.
Donna McMaster
Chair/ School Education Board
The School Education Board is pleased to welcome and congratulate Athena Romic (Peter, Nickolas & Paul - Prep B), Jenni Robinson (Sophie & Sammy Prep B) and Bernie Mandile (Silvana 3W) as new members for 2019. The Board also wishes to farewell and thank Donna McMaster (Laura 3R ) who has served on the Board for the last 5 years, and as Chair for the last 3 years. Her professionalism, stewardship, management and energy that she has brought to the Board has been outstanding - and one that will be sorely missed.
Michelle McCormack
GPA (Galilee Parents Association) News
The Carols night was a wonderful evening with over 550 people coming along. The students sang beautifully with the support and preparation from Miss Carnovale and Ms Giles accompanying them on keyboard. A huge thank you to the Year 5 parent group for pulling together the evening and organising the night for everyone. Whilst these events aren’t for fundraising, by running the bar and drinks stand just over $1000 was made.
The dates are in the calendar for 2019. On Friday, February the 1st there will be the coffee van on site and some morning tea. A great way to welcome everyone back and say hello to all our new prep families after they have settled their new school children in to class for their first day!
Then the Welcome Picnic will be held on Thursday, February 7th from 5pm. This is a great night to chat to the staff, reconnect with friends and to welcome all our new families to the school. Year 3’s, this will be your event for 2019 - more information will be heading your way soon!
Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped this year. We could not have raised over $42 000 for the school without your support, hours of volunteering and generosity. We look forward to seeing even more people involved in 2019.
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Family Liaison
There is a volunteer role of Family Liaison whose role it is to make connections between school and families be it in times of great joy like the arrival of a new baby or a new family to the school or in times of sickness, injury or bereavement in our families. It may be a phone call, a card, flowers or a meal that is received. This role will continue in 2019. If you have any questions or know of someone who needs extra support, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Have you found a Tiffany key and chain in the school? A parent has lost her necklace (similar to the one pictured below) last Thursday morning and it has important sentimental value to her.
If found please hand in at the school office.