Student Wellbeing

Dear Parents/Carers,
As most of you are aware, I am taking Long Service Leave for Semester 1 of 2019 and therefore will not be continuing as the Student Wellbeing/ Learning Diversity (Student Services) Leader next year.
However, I will be returning in Semester 2 in a part-time role for the remainder of 2019.
As this is my last newsletter, I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you all for allowing me the privilege of teaching and supporting your children both academically and socially.
The Galilee community have always offered me support, kindness and friendship over my many years at Galilee (21) and I am so grateful.
I hope my Newsletter items have been valuable to you and have been informative and relevant.
I wish Mr Martello (Student Wellbeing) and Mrs Ferris (Learning Diversity) well in their new roles and please contact them if you require any support or further information.
My best wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas with your family and friends and a happy and healthy New Year.
Kind regards,
Friendship Groups
Our focus for our final Friendship Group this year was the ‘GIFT of GIVING’, which we aligned with our Galilee Day Giving theme.
We started the session with Circle Time, when we shared our happy times in Term 4.
Then we watched the story ‘The Giving Tree’ - please take the time to watch it with your child/children, which will open up an opportunity for discussion.
We talked about the people and organisations who have helped us here at Galilee this year and then chose one to make a large Christmas ‘Thank You’ card to send to them to show our appreciation.
The students loved making these cards and then had time to make one to give to someone special in their lives using all the glitter and handiworks they could lay their hands on. It was a fun activity to finish the year.
Julianne Price
Student Wellbeing /Student Services Leader
Ph. 96992928