Coral Community
What a start to Term 3!
We started an action packed term in Week 1 with the Boys/Mixed Tee-ball and Girls AFL teams going to SSV Divisions. The Tee-ball team was able to come away as the overall winner of their division and will now attend Regionals. Fantastic effort to both of these teams and good luck to Courtney and the Tee-ball team at Regionals.
Week 2 began with Parent Teacher Interviews. We would like to thank all the parents and carers who came on the night to discuss their child’s learning and progress. If you ever have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to contact Courtney or Heather or pop in after school to see us.
Week 3 was just as busy with 100 days of school activities, lots of Wakakirri practice, our first Buddies session, Lantern Making and House Athletics. Congratulations to Yellow House for winning! Coral loved going to Amethyst for the first time to meet the Preps and make fairy bread to celebrate 100 days of School.
With a jam-packed term coming up Coral are looking forward to our excursion to Ceres, the Father’s Day Stall and Celebration, Hoop Time, Billy Slater Rugby, 5/6 Tea parties, Cultural Day, Robotics and Lantern Making. Stay tuned for many opportunities for parents and carers to come into our open classroom sessions.
Library: Coral can borrow from the school library on Mondays.
Home Learning: Each Monday your child should be bringing home a ‘Home Learning’ sheet. These are due back the following Monday and include a range of different learning activities.
Spelling: This is due with Home Learning each Monday, which is also when we give out new words for the week.
Upcoming topics for this term will be:
Writing: Information Reports. You can help your child at home by assisting with researching their chosen topic.
Inquiry: Sustainability. We have commenced Tuning In activities and we are slowly becoming more sustainable citizens! Our Ceres excursion in Week 5 will be a great time for students to find out a little bit more about how we can be sustainable in our day to day life to reduce our impact on our environment. If you haven’t returned your Ceres excursion note yet please do it ASAP.
Numeracy: Location and Transformation, Multiplication and Division, Fractions and Decimals and Mass and Capacity.
We are looking forward to a full on and exciting Term 3!
Courtney, Heather and Sue