
Welcome back to Tech 2023!


What a great start we've all had!


To start of our year in Tech, we wanted to set out our rules and expectations when learning in the Tech Space, as well as how we look after and learn to become better responsible device users.


We have focused on Cyber Safety across all year levels, where our teaching and learning has been reinforced in the recent Cyber Safety Project Student Sessions that were held by Trent and Kiah in Week 3! The students really seemed to love the sessions, where they learned about being safe online and how to keep our personal information safe.


As we progress this term, our Preps - Grade 4 students are learning all about devices. They are learning about their parts, how they are built and how they work. 


Our Grade 5s and 6s have a term focused on Food Technology, where we have discussed food groups, nutrition labels and why it's important for us to have a balanced diet. Students have also had the chance to experience cooking in the kitchen, where we have made a healthy veggie/fruit smoothie; yum!


We look forward to learning with all of our students in Tech this year! We have so many fun things planned!


Many thanks,

The Tech Team!