Principal's News

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome back to St Joseph’s Primary School for the 2023 academic year. We hope that you all had a wonderful summer break and everyone is refreshed and ready for a massive year here at St Joey’s. It has been wonderful to walk through the classrooms and the yard and see so many smiling faces and students present and ready to learn.
This term is jam-packed with a number of events. Information about upcoming events will be shared via Compass and via the newsletter when appropriate. Please check your Compass notifications. You can receive posts from the school for school-wide information, or it can be from your child’s teacher for class-related information. There will also be a few forms coming out in the coming days regarding any change in details, the Code of Conduct, as well as media consent forms that will need to be completed.
Term 1 we require all students to wear full summer school uniform from Tuesday through to Friday. Our uniform guide and a reminder on how the summer, winter and sports uniforms are to be worn are available to view via This includes wearing black school shoes. If you have any questions regarding our uniform, please call the office and we can discuss this. On Mondays, students are to wear our summer sports uniform. On these days they will need their joggers.
We have discussed the use of appropriate school hats at school. These are our wide-brim school hats. Caps are only to be worn at school if it is part of an organised day.
NAPLAN will be held in March for Year 3 and Year 5 students. More information will be sent to Year 3 & Year 5 families next week. As a school, we are working with these students to ensure that they are prepared and aware of the NAPLAN testing structure. Apart from Year 3 Writing, all other NAPLAN tests are to be completed using the online NAPLAN platform.
Please note that we are having a school closure day on Friday 31 March, where the staff will be participating in a system-wide professional development on Big Write and VCOP. There will be no classes and the office will be closed.
Also, this a reminder that we will be holding our P&F AGM at the completion of the 2023 Parent Information Evening on the 21 February here at St Joseph’s. The AGM will begin at 6.00 pm.
ADPSC Cricket Trials
Congratulations to Cameron Baird who qualified for the Armidale Diocese Polding Cricket trials today! He will be competing in the NSWPSSA Boys Cricket Championships in Ballina next month.
Swimming Carnival
This is a reminder that our Swimming Carnival is next Wednesday 15 February for all students who are turning 8 or older this year. The remaining students will participate in some fun activities at school.
Students will arrive at school as normal, have their attendance marked, and walk down to the Wee Waa Pool with their Leader of Learning. They will then sit in their designated house areas for the duration of the carnival. After the event, students may leave with their parent/carer after notifying a member of staff or will walk back to school with their Leader of Learning and follow the regular bus/walkers routine.
A copy of the program can be accessed via (please note that these times are only approximate)
The cost of entry will be covered by the school. The Canteen at the pool will be open.
If you are able to volunteer to help set up, as a timekeeper or runner (which would be greatly appreciated!), please complete the following form by selecting 15 February and the starting time via
For further information, please see the 2023 Swimming Carnival under Events.
Start of Year & Ash Wednesday Mass
We will be holding our combined Beginning of School Year and Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:15 am on Wednesday 22 February at St Andrew’s Catholic Church.
Our new leaders of the school will receive their badges, and new students will receive a certificate to welcome them to our school community officially.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless,
Alistair Stewart