Prep Page

The Prep students have kicked off the year with a flying start!


There have been many highlights so far but we have loved getting to know our Grade 5/6 Buddies the most! The Prep students enjoyed eating lunch and a reading a book together before going outside to play with their buddy! 


On Valentine’s Day, the students were feeling the LOVE! We talked about things that we loved most in the world and made ‘Love Bugs’ to share with our families. 


Last week, the students enjoyed making delicious fruit sticks in the Maker Space for our afternoon ‘Teddy Bear Picnic’ with families, on the school oval. It was lovely to have the Prep community together and the students loved bringing their teddy bears along too! Thank you to everyone who came along and we look forward to our next event. 


Kindness Day was a great success, as the Prep students were introduce to the idea of ‘Filling up someone’s bucket’ by being kind. We explored the school value of ‘Kindness’ and participated in making ‘I am a Bucket Filler’ crown to show off our learning. 

Safe to say we have been spreading kindness around and ‘filling up everyone’s bucket’ in Prep Land!


‘ACACIA, GREVILLIA, BANKSIA, EUCALYPTUS’!’ Last Wednesday the Preps attended a ‘House Sorting Ceremony’ where they were allocated into their school house team and awarded a certificate from our Sports Captains!

The Grade 5/6 buddies joined us in the PAC to cheer everyone on and welcome the Preps into one of the four teams! 


There have been so many wonderful things happening in Prep! Stay up to date by looking on our Prep Website via the link below:


Prep Team