Kitchen Garden 

WEEK 4 Term 1 2023

Welcome back to the Kitchen for 2023! 


The students from Grade1-6 have been busily cooking for the past coiuple of weeks and we are all glad to be back to Kitchen & Garden sessions. 


The produce in focus at the moment is:



We also used plenty of other ingredients from the garden: apple, parsley, tomato, basil and lots of mint.


The menu board has consisted of;  zucchini slice, cacik dip (tatziki), zucchini chips, tabbouleh salad, lavosh and also some apple & rhubarb pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. 

There has been plenty of chopping, slicing, grating and mixing going on. The students have all really loved tasting these Summer samples and really look forward to more Summer cooking in the next few weeks. 




Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Slattery



Garden News......

It was ponding time for our 5/6's this week, lots of weeding and discovering our Summer water bugs.

Our 3/4 's did an amazing job of collecting, grounding and packing fennel seeds. Some of our gardeners even enjoyed the ainseed taste and smell of our fennel seeds.

Its been a hot month in the garden with only 19mml of rain collected in our rain gauge in the last three weeks, we've had to water our veggies to keep them growing.

The watering has helped our marrows grow nice and big and our 1 /2 's carefully picked them making sure  not catch the spikes on their stems.



Happy Gardening.

Sandy Lindfield

Garden Specialist