Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

We have had an excursion-filled few weeks in year 1/2 Mainstream! Our walk to the Aboriginal Advancement League was our first ever excursion as new year 1/2 classes! These ventures out of the school grounds require students to practise listening skills, staying with their teacher and class and being respectful in public spaces. The walk aligned with our integrated unit for this term: “Living Local - Finding our Heart”. Students were very prepared for the journey, having studied and created maps of our walking track and having participated in discussions about how our community grows, changes and celebrates the traditional owners of the land. 


We were able to see the murals at the Aboriginal Advancement League where some of our students proudly pointed out their relatives that were being celebrated on the wall. We then made our way to the st. Georges rd mural where students looked upon important moments in history that our First Nations people have lived through. We as year 1/2 teachers were very proud of the way our students carried themselves and dealt with the challenges of being outside of their school and routines. Each class is now in the process of creating their own class mural about their journey.


Our second excursion for the year happened on Tuesday the 21st of March. The year 1/2 Mainstream classes went on an excursion to the State Hockey and Netball Centre. The students participated in games, fun ball skills and drills run by Netball Victoria. It was a huge day for the year 1/2s- everyone had their best go and we were thrilled to watch everyone have such a fantastic time!



Over the past few weeks, the year 1/2s have been learning about place value. Students have participated in games and activities that have helped them read, write and break down two- and three-digit numbers into parts. We will continue to review place value throughout the year. In the coming weeks, we will be focusing on patterns and shapes. 




Our excursions have provided us with some excellent inspiration for our recount plans and drafts! We will continue to develop our recount planning and drafting skills over the next few weeks. 


Students continue to develop their decoding and encoding skills in our phonics sessions along with their reading fluency through partnered reading. We are very pleased with how students are progressing and how quickly they are falling into a great reading routine in the morning sessions. Thank you, parents, for continuing to read with your children each night!