P to the E with Leigh


Who said sport doesn’t require thinking. In fact, the amount of energy that is required in sports makes it one of the activities that lights up many parts of the brain. If your brain was a light globe, it would be consistently on! 

Did you know the difference between elite athletes and everyday sports people? The difference is mostly practise and the ability to relax when playing. 


I have been talking to the kids this term about sport as an occupation and a pathway for learning and achievement. A lot of the children believed that sports people were born into their particular skill and sport. I have been saying to the children that most elite athletes train a lot, practise precisely.  In fact, we know that even without the genetic advantage most of sports people’s achievements is hard work!!


The whole school has had the opportunity this last two weeks to see up close the workplace of elite athletes in the Melbourne Vixens. The children spent time with elite coaches and saw how complex and particular their training was and how hard they worked on strength and fitness. I encourage all the children to find a place for physical activity in their life and it’s my aim this year to expose the children to lots of sporting examples in the community. 


As well as the Netball with the Vixens we have our own star pupil from 3 years ago Ellie McKenzie who was a student at our school and now plays in the Women’s football league with the Richmond Football Club. She is 20 years old and was the number 1 draft pick and was part of the Steiner class at our school. I will be asking her to visit our school as a favour in the hope that other children will find a pathway in sport as an occupation. 

Another program that I hope we can expand is the Circus Program run by NEXUS. This term they have spent time with children in the upper grades. The aim of this program is to build capacity in performance of circus and performance type skills. The Koori children from 3-6 were also invited as part of the program to see people from their own community perform at a high level, again demonstrating that sport can be a career.  I am hoping we can continue that association across the whole school this year.


Looking forward to second term. Gala Day Sports, Cross Country 3-6s and then prepare and build our basketball and athletics teams for term 3. 


If anyone has a particular skill that they would like to share sports related I would love to have you visit or talk at our school with the children. Contact me anytime! 


Thanks Leigh Collins

P.E Coordinator 
