Art Room

We are progressing well, working through our Joshua Yeldham influenced owl images. All classes are focusing on line and pattern spending many art sessions to explore and extend their pattern making on their owl drawings. The owl's body almost becomes a landscape of movement and rhythmic pattern formation. It is so exciting to see students embrace this amazing Australian artist. Students have loved watching videos of Yeldham talking about what drives him to create his art. After our art discussions, students continue to extend their art to push themselves creatively to combine mixed media such as feathers, wool, different textured papers, inks, acrylic paint and hessian.


Below is a link to two videos of Yeldham explaining his art practice that you may find interesting.



To support student learning, parents are invited into the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.

I am also trying to get the TPS community craft group up and running again. This has always been a great way for our parents, grandparents and carers to come along each Wednesday to the art room and create interesting craft things to sell at our next BBQ or Art festival. If you are interested in picking up a new skill or would like to share a skill then this would be perfect for you. Toddlers are also welcome to join you in the art room. This is a great way to meet other parents and become valuable members of our TPS community. 

Please email me any questions or to express your interest.  


Looking forward to working with all you again,

Antoinette Vaiano