
Infants Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:

KH - Quinn Burke and Jarvis Brown

KT - Kane Bathgate and Aria Harrison

1L - Lucy Stein and Matilda Morrow

1D - Gideon McKay and Eden Luckie

2H - Noah Harrison and Evy Cormick

2B - Cherri Taylor, Finn Darrington and Sofia Moore

Primary Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:

2/3RM - Mia Hughes and Ace Williams

3P - Gabby Simpson and Hudson Ward

3N - Ava Phillips and Ryan Croghan

4S - Elsa Millhouse and Sofia Osterloh

4G - Jessika Newell and Jake Lane

5M - Thomas Edmonds and Harper Bright

5B - Ryan Morton and Sean Croghan

6G - Kennedy Lane and Atticus Beynon-Whitelaw

6D - Liam Gosling and Lilly O'Brien